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Tiny Hands by mae-is-crazy on tumblr

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Neteyam wakes in the middle of the night without Y/N at his side.

The first thing that hit him was confusion. He figured she had just scurried off to check her Avatar body (like it had just woken up and walked away, which of course wasn't possible). Nothing to worry about. He mentally shrugged to himself, before snuggling deeper into the mattress and closing his eyes.

The next thing was fear. Neteyam's ears perked up towards the bathroom door when he heard light sniffling on the other side. He sat up, giving himself a second to catch himself before he heard a quiet sob. Without even thinking, the boy leapt from his spot, tossing the blanket too small for his frame aside and almost slamming into the door. It was locked.

"Y/N?" He croaked, hating how weak his voice sounded. He knocked on the door a few times as he rested his head against the door. "Y/N, are you alright?"

The soft crying sounds stopped, but he got no answer. He knocked again. "Y/N?"

"I-I'm okay."

Relief. He sighed, letting his forehead laze on the door. "Please, let me see you."

Neteyam listened for the sound of her breathing. It sounded more like hiccups. She didn't open the door for a few minutes, but when he heard the lock click, Neteyam wasted no time as he slammed the door opened, looking for his Y/N.

What he saw shattered his heart. Y/N was hovering over the sink, her hands covering her trembling lips that threatened to let out more sobs. Her eyebrows danced up and down as they scrunched together, tears staining her already deathly pale skin.

God, she looked terrible.

"Oh Y/N..." Neteyam stepped closer, kneeling down to her level and letting her collapse into him. She wrapped her bony arms around his broad shoulders, resting her head into the crook of his neck as she continued her bout of crying. Neteyam held the girl close, resting his head on top of hers as he sent her soothing shushes and back rubs. He tried to tell her the things she loved to hear- "It's okay", "Maway (BE CALM)", "I'm right here"- the things that settled her down. But the frantic huffing did not stop.

Neteyam forced Y/N to pry her arms from around his neck, He cupped her face in his hands, brushing away the tears from her red cheeks. "Tell me. Tell me what is going on."

Y/N shook her head, trying to hide her face with her hands, though Neteyam was quick to peel them away, squeezing them around his own. "Nete, I-I-I can't do it."

"Do what?"

Y/N waved her arms around her in a flustered frenzy. "This whole thing is just becoming too much. I-I can't think straight." She turned towards the mirror, cringing at the red puffy skin circling her glassy eyes. Neteyam stared at her reflection, noticing how even kneeling his forehead reached past the view of the glass. He studied the girl not even half his size here to him, the girl he promised to protect for as long as she had lived.

In this life, or another.

In this body, or another.

It no longer mattered to him.

Neteyam cleared his throat, watching Y/N wipe her nose. All this time, she'd been persistent about seeing this thing through and joining The People as full Na'vi. She never showed any sign of doubt or weakness, even throughout all of the needles and painful reactions to medications Neteyam could never pronounce correctly. But now, finally, after all this time, she allowed herself to share with her lover what he always knew was there.

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