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Still Waters by DefaultTwig on ao3

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"What else do you know?"

Neteyam fell silent. He hummed once, sinking deep into his thoughts while he flexed his hands. He'd start one sign before stopping himself, as if he forgot all he learned, like a nonverbal form of stuttering. He racked his mind for a phrase, anything to say that would impress you. Not that it would be a challenge, but he also wanted to stick to simple phrases, things that you could remember and understand easily. It was endearing, really, how quickly he took to the role of teacher for you.

In the meantime, you looked down at your ankles, watching the water ripple and shift with every step you took. Still unfamiliar with the area, you kept to the outskirts of the village, walking along the shore. Despite your proximity to the village, the beauty here stole your breath. From the unique design of the village to the crystal reflection of the sun bouncing off the water's surface. The water itself stretched far beyond the seawall bordering the reef, touching the horizon. Where the sky and sea became one, endlessly blue like the Na'vi you walked among.

Months had gone by since the Sully family left the Omaticaya clan. To you, a lifetime had passed before you heard anything from them, and it was when Norm received word of Kiri's seizure. Of course, being close friends with the Sully children, you just had to see them. Norm hadn't been keen to bring you along, but your admittedly immature begging and the stress of an immediate departure prompted him to give permission if only so he could finish packing gear without you delaying him precious seconds. Besides, another pair of hands on board to mule around gear didn't hurt.

Kiri was overjoyed to have you, squeezing you in a tight hug when she got the chance. She wasn't the only one. All the Sully children swarmed you, asking about the clan and talking over each other to fill you in on everything they've been up to. It was quite the scene, their tails whipping excitedly while all of you bounced around each other, just so happy to be reunited.

Days had passed since your arrival. You were lucky to spend more time with them, if not for the reason that Norm wished to monitor Kiri for the time being. Just to ensure she was stable. And then, you would leave with Norm. As much as it made you and the others sad to separate again, you'd been on the fence about their offer. They proposed that you stay with them in the village. An idea like that would take convincing from their parents and Norm, but together your big pouty faces would win them over. It was just that...despite the beauty and lack of danger from the RDA, you faced a different annoyance here. One you wouldn't want to endure if you did stay.

Your thoughts come to a halt when a prickly feeling tingled up your spine, sensing that you were being watched. You looked up and, in the distance, found a Metkayina child no taller than Tuk staring at you. Their face betrayed the wonder and distaste they felt about you. You locked eyes with them, even as another child approached them. Their ears twitched as the other whispered something and pointed at you indiscreetly. Their faces scrunched and they giggled to themselves.

A tightness squeezed your insides at their staring and blatant disregard for you. You hunched your shoulders in a poor attempt to make yourself invisible. Slowing your pace, you let Neteyam's body dwarf you, acting as a wall to hide you from their gaze. You couldn't shake the feeling that they still stared, even if their view was blocked. Looking back to the water as you walked calmly, you tried to preoccupy your mind with it.

"There's this one," Neteyam said, prompting you to look up at him. His wide, cat-like eyes locked onto yours, making sure you paid attention. Then, moving his hands as he would in conversation, he translated for you. "Breathe."

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