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"my baby in you?" by loaksbitch on tumblr and wattpad.

ʚ ♥︎ ɞ

you're scared.

you're so scared and mo'at's voice dining in your head isn't helping but making it worse. you knew this would happen, it would eventually come but not in a million life time you thought it would be now.

"you should tell him, my child." mo'at had said to you. "he must know you're carrying a fruit of love inside you."

how can you randomly go and tell him, your mate, neteyam that you're pregnant with his child? he clearly has told you he doesn't want a family, at least not right now.

you both agreed to focus on yourself and each other and family would come later but here you are crying because of the child you're carrying, scared neteyam won't accept him or...her.

you haven't noticed how you're protectively covering your stomach until you had to bring your hands up to wipe your tears

hours have passed since you haven't stopped crying or went to sleep unintentionally.

"princess, wake up." a familiar voice echoes in your head and you open your amber eyes hardly since it was swollen and pretty puffed up.

once you recognize who the man in front of you is, you jump and scoot away from him. "shit, did i scare you?" he brings his hand close to you, "it's me baby, neteyam i'm neteyam, your man." the way he claims he's yours makes your stomach even churn

what if he doesn't want to be your man after this?

"that's right, come here" he calls for you, taking your dainty hands to him and pulling you close for a hug. "you were crying while sleeping." you're both now hugging while neteyam is kneeling in front of you and you're sat on the thick mat

"something bothering you?"

he feels you shake your head and licks his lips before pushing you back a little to scan your face.

"don't lie to me, pretty girl" you feel him cup your cheeks and trace your blue stripes as he gives you a melting smile.

did this really need to happen, eywa? why was she making you suffer like this when neteyam was clearly strict over having a baby right now?

"princess," you're pulled from your thoughts when your mate calls for you. "talk to me, what is it?"

"it's nothing." you blurt out and push neteyam's hand away from you before getting on your feet. neteyam watches you with a furrowed brows when you walk away from him

this time, he calls you by your name and no pet names to make you freeze at your spot. "what's wrong with you?" he didn't fail to notice how your moods kept changing this days

how you're very argumentative or a crybaby with no reason.

"i said," you take a deep breath "noth–" neteyam had enough. "cut the bullshit and tell me, what's wrong? you know i won't leave you alone without knowing what's bothering my wife."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2023 ⏰

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