
914 19 5

Y/n - your name
F/c - your favorite color
E/c - your eye color
H/c - your hair color

The alleyway was dark and wet, as if it had recently rained. Y/n's burgundy boots made splashing noises against the puddles on the cracked concrete as she sprinted, making random twists and turns along the way in an attempt to shake of who she was running from. She looked behind her to she if it had worked as she ran and saw that the cloaked figure was still behind her and quickly catching up. If she wasn't hyperventilating before, she was now.


Not noticing the pothole, she fell flat on her stomach, soaking her clothes. She looked back and immediately felt her stomach twist into knots. The very person Y/n was running from. They were close enough that, if she wanted to, she could grab the thick black cloak. Adrenaline coursed through her body but she held statue still. The person bent down to be eye level with her. Their hands reached up and Y/n flinched but they never touched her, instead extending to their hooded face. Their hands grasped the edge of the hood on either side and slowly started taking it off...

I woke up in a cold sweat, "God, what is happening to me?" I questioned myself. I've been having that same dream every couple of weeks for at least a year now and it's really been getting to me. I rub my face and step out of the warmth of my f/c blankets. Looking over at the clock, I check the time. 6:45, no wonder I didn't hear my alarm. Bit of a surprise I woke up before I had to, but I doubt I could stay asleep with that awful nightmare.

I dress myself into some jeans and a generic neutral green button up t-shirt, seeing no point in dressing anything above casual in school. Besides pushing my hair back a little I decide to leave it be for now. Making my way to the kitchen I hum a little tune and step down the oak staircase, dragging my fingertips over the pale beige walls.

"Morning, mom." I said, slipping past her and pushing some bread into the toaster. She didn't respond as her mouth was full of cereal, but she nodded my way in reply. Dad sauntered into the kitchen, still in his striped blue pajamas.

"Esther dear, can you get some coffee started for me?" He asked then proceeded to yawn.

Mom took her last sip of milk from the cereal bowl, "only if you'll take out the trash before you head to work, Andrew."

Dad nodded and headed back to get ready. Jumping up as soon as I hear the pop, I grab my toast and spread some jam onto it. Soon after, I snarfed down my hastily made food and packed my school bag. Checking over everything in my head to make sure I'm fully prepared for the day, I fling on my light brown jacket, and pull my grey backpack onto my shoulders. I step out the door and inhale the crisp spring air.

Y/n strolled her way into Robinson Hill High, better known in it's abbreviated form, RHH. She pushed through the doors to the large grey building, keeping her head slightly down. She looked at the dull blue and faded white checkered tiles and stopped at locker #278. '4-16-27...' Y/n thought as she twisted the combination into the lock. With a satisfying click, she took off the lock and opened the door to grab her supplies for the day. Setting her bag down and putting her lunchbox inside, she then grabbed all the necessary things and put away some books that weren't needed today. The first bell rang as a reminder for students to get to class. Y/n went with the flow of the other bustling students and made her way to her first block class. Stepping into her history classroom, she did a quick scan of the area and noticed Mr. Laurier and her peers weren't here yet. Her h/c locks bounced slightly as she situated herself in her usual spot. The girl's e/c eyes watched all the teens shuffling in with slight boredom until she saw him.

As soon as Clay walked in my heart skipped a little beat and I couldn't help but smile a little. He noticed and did a small grin back and waved, making butterflies in my stomach. We've been friends for a couple years now and I've had a crush on him for almost that whole duration. I can't help but get lost in his deep brown eyes and adore his thick, curly black hair always tied up. He's just so perfect in every way. I wish I could tell him how I feel but he's such a good friend that I fear that not only I would get rejected but I'd lose him too. That's not a gamble I'm willing to take right now.

Mr. Laurier finally comes in. He's holding a red mug filled with coffee and his sandy blonde hair looks disheveled. "Alright class, just open your textbooks to page 67 and read up to 78. Then I'll explain the what we'll be doing tomorrow on Tuesday." He muttered before taking a sip from his mug.

I sigh inwardly but open my book. Skimming through the material, I quickly grow bored and take to stealing quick glances of Clay between paragraphs. I know it's weird but it's not like I'm stalking him or anything. It's nothing but and innocent crush. My gaze wanders from the front, where Clay is to my left. I notice a boy quickly turning his head away from me. My eyebrows furrow slightly as I look at his chocolate brown hair trying to figure out why he looked away so quickly. I shrug it off though, he was probably just zoning out and got embarrassed when I noticed. Can't really get angry at him for that when I accidentally stare when daydreaming too. Finally deciding to read what I had to I hunkered down and started studying it.

Before I knew it the bell rang and our teacher dismissed us. The boy from earlier quickly rushed, packing his bag as he walked whilst I walked up to Clay. "Do you know who that guy is? I don't remember hearing his name." I questioned and pointed to him just as he dashed out of the class.

"No idea." Clay shrugged, "hey do you wanna go get some ice cream after school? I got a coupon for it~" he waved said coupon in front of my face in a teasing way.

Internally screaming from excitement I said, "of course! That would be awesome." I was grinning from ear to ear. Not only would there be ice cream but I would be eating it with Clay of all people!

We joked around a little until we split off, him going into English class and me going into math. It didn't bother me though as the prospect of going somewhere with Clay made me overjoyed.

[Please let me know if there are any grammatical errors and I'll correct it right away. This is my first book and I'm excited to make more chapters. Until next time,

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