Meeting the Parents

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L/n - your last name
E/c - your eye color
F/i - your favorite ice cream

It was perfect. Clay and I had made sure to get everything prepared together beforehand, yet small storms of nervousness brewed in both of us. Together we stood at my front door, my left hand intertwined with his right. My thumb gently rubs back and forth against his warm sepia skin, the early summer breeze flowing through our hair. As a reaction, his noticeably thicker fingers tighten around almost too tight for comfort.

I look up at him, speaking quietly, "do you think we're ready for this?" My e/c eyes glisten with a twinge of worry as they meet his gaze.

Clay matches my expression, pulling his free hand out of the pocket of his cargo pants and gently holding my face. Despite his uncertainty, he answers unwaveringly, "ready as we'll ever be, it's best to do this now rather than later. Trust me, your parents are great. Nothing bad is going to happen."

Leaning my head into his hand for a while, I can't help but feel comforted. He really is an even better boyfriend than I thought he'd be while I was crushing on him, it's almost too good to be true. Nodding my head, I state with more determination, "you're right, let's do this."

Taking a deep breath, I take a step away from Clay. He drops his palm from my cheek and lets my hand go, albeit very hesitantly.

In the pale beige living room, Clay and the L/n family sit on the plush canvas sofas. Esther and Alexander gaze at the young couple, taking in all that had been explained to them. They turn to each other for a brief moment, silently communicating before facing the two yet again. The tension in the atmosphere was so thick that it felt almost suffocating. Clay dares not to even look in Y/n's direction, his hands balled into fists in the pockets of his baggy cargo pants. Suddenly he stands up, raven curls bouncing lightly as he takes a determined step towards my parents.

"So, Mr and Mrs L/n," he begins, "given that you now know how much I care for your daughter, do I have your blessing to continue a romantic relationship with her?"

Esther smiles knowingly, also standing up. "You seem like a fine young man, dear. Y/n always has been fond of you."

Still sitting on the sofa, the girl feels her face heat up in embarrassment. "Mom, you really didn't need to tell him that," she mumbles. She brings her knees up to her chest, curling into a ball and resting her forehead on her knees.

With a grunt, Andrew looks Clay up and down with a judgmental glare. "You best not break her heart. Just keep in mind next time you feel like placing so much as a finger on her; that anything you do to her, I'll do right back to you."

Clay gulped at what Y/n's father had just implied, but put on a smile and nodded. "Yes, sir. I'd never wish to harm her in any way, so you've got nothing to worry about."

After a moment of observing Clay for any signs of dishonesty, Andrew murmurs a small approval. All eyes are on the Y/n due to her silence. She notices this with a jolt, only causing her body to tense even more in embarrassment.  Unsure of what else to do, she uncurls herself to shuffle towards her boyfriend. The closeness of his presence and the fact that her parents seem to be taking this news relatively well makes her feel more comfortable in her own home.

"Well, if it's okay with you guys Clay and I are going to go get some ice cream now." Y/n states with a bit more confidence.

Esther laughs gently, "of course, you two have fun now!" Both Y/n and Clay's eyes light up in glee at the fact they had been given permission. Both want nothing more than to embrace each other and celebrate the success of this meeting, but they hold back as to not embarrass themselves in front of Y/n's parents more than they already have.

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