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F/c - your favorite color
H/c - your hair color

When I got the text from Clay, it was a flurry of mixed emotions. The last words I heard from Tiffany rang in my ears. It wasn't a reasonable fear. After all, she is currently in the custody of the police and would never know if I contacted Clay or not. So I started packing my bag to go meet him. He didn't specify what we would be doing — other than telling me to meet him at the park — so I figured it would be easiest to pack only the necessities. I stuffed in small coin purse filled with some pocket money, colored blue with a sunflower print on the front. Then putting in my phone after checking if I had gotten any notifications. Not wanting to make my bag any heavier, I decided not to add anything else to the light brown faux leather purse. Settling the strap on my shoulder I began to walk out of my room before something caught my eye. The small Swiss Army knife that was given to me from my grandpa sat on my desk, mostly untouched and only occasionally used for the scissors inside the compact tool. But this time, it was the small blade. It would be easily accessible just in case. My hand reached out to grab it but paused halfway. I only want it because I'm afraid, but that fear isn't rational. But if I take it with me that irrational fear would subside. Besides, taking it doesn't mean I have to use it. Sighing in defeat, I let my arm drop back to my side then quickly snatched it from my wood oak desk.

The fresh, late spring air was refreshing to Y/n. Yet there was still a mental battle occurring inside of her head. The knife was light, but just knowing what she brought if for made it feel as heavy as a brick. She felt bad for bringing it even though it would only be used for defensive purposes. The thought of even having to do this terrified her. Y/n had never been in a situation like this before and she hated the fact that it was over a boy. To be fair it was Clay but she still found it rather ridiculous.

Y/n kept her head down the whole time, never really bothering to take in her surroundings. If she had, she would most likely notice a certain someone following her. Maybe it was a good thing though. It certainly wasn't in that person's plans to be seen today. Her feet shuffled along the coarse sidewalk while the city bustled around as normal. It was relatively quiet compared to downtown, but cars still rushed by. Soon, the familiar worn down green fence came into view. Inside it's barriers held a park scattered with trees and filled with the local flora and fauna. Children ran about while their parents sat while chatting and loosely supervising their young. Y/n scanned the area, with no luck of spotting Clay. She wandered to the left past an oak tree that had clearly been rooted here for generations. Brushing her hand loosely against the weather bark, she walked left to get a better view of the park. There she was greeted by a small hill. On the very top were some shrubs that sheltered a bench. She spotted a masculine figure seated there, arms crossed and head moving around seemingly looking for someone. Y/n headed towards him in hope that it would be Clay. It did look like him and he did seem to be in search, so she took her chances.

A twig snapped under my foot as I walked towards the hill, causing me to jump. My heart pounded and I shakily looked around. Paranoia had been constant as of late because of that event. The bruises hidden under my plain hoodie throbbed in remembrance. It would be nice just to see Clay again. To have the comfort of him by my side now feels like a luxury I had taken granted of. Snapping out of my thoughts I realized I stopped moving. With a shake of my head to get rid of my overthinking, I headed on. A slow amble at first, but a combination of anxiety and anticipation pushed me to go at a faster pace.

'This is so unfair,' I thought to myself, 'if only I had been confident enough to approach my sweetheart earlier, then I wouldn't have to deal with this bullshit.' Distraught at the fact that I was helpless to do anything but watch as my Y/n blindly walked to what that wretched buffoon calls a confession. It wasn't supposed to go like this. Y/n is mine, not his and he shouldn't even have the honor to even breathe the same air as her! I should've spent more time coaching Tiffany, that way no blood would have been spilt. Too late for that now, my hands are tied and hers will be too. Using force isn't my usual forte, but when it comes to my one true love I'd do anything if it was to her benefit

"Clay... you're kidding, right?" Tears pricked my eyes, but for once it was out of pure happiness. It was like one of my dream had been taken out of my mind and had manifested itself into real life.

The whole thing seemed so unbelievable and because of that I could only stand there in front of Clay until he spoke up, "I'm not kidding, Y/n." He gave a sheepish lopsided smile, "if I was, I wouldn't have done all this. I really like you and you're fun to be around, so will you be my girlfriend?" At the last word he tilted his head ever so slightly to the left, making my heart pound even faster. It's near impossible to say no to him when he's like this and the flowers and teddy bear right in front of me makes it harder.

"Yes," I say, just above a whisper. Then louder and more excitedly, "Yes I will be your girlfriend, Clay!" The relief and happiness on his face was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen on him and I stood watching that face until flowers blocked my view. Taking the time to actually look at them made me tear up. Stroking the f/c flowers gently, I murmur, "these are my favorite, I love them."

His expression softens, "I know. Remember that one time when you went absolutely nuts over them?" He reached out to touch one of the petals.

I moved my head away to hide my flustered face, not noticing that Clay had reached his hand out. To my surprise, I felt his warm hands pull my face back up to looking right into his eyes. His face was close, but the intimacy between us drowned out any and all nervousness I had from being so close. Subconsciously bringing my hand up to hold his head in the same way he held mine. The air felt thick with our caring for each other and his body heat was warm and comforting, making me not want to ever leave his embrace. Before I even really knew what was happening, I felt his lips on mine. It was like everything I had ever dreamed of and I almost melted at his kiss. He was gentle, his touches were soft but passionate and it felt like pure bliss. To my distaste, he pulled away so we could both get air. But that frustration immediately washed away as he grabbed a hold of my hand and led me to the bench. We sat down, one arm around my shoulder and the other petting my h/c hair.

"Y/n, I love you." He said in a gentle hush, confirming that his intentions were sincere and what just happened was real.

[I can't believe it's been so long since I've updated this book! Life has really gotten in the way. As of now I'm in a Wendy's out in a small town because I'm currently going on vacation. More chapters coming soon ♥️ ]


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