Guilty Love

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E/c - eye color
H/c - hair color

God damnit, I'm so stupid! I can't believe I just blurted that out to Tiffany yesterday. She was dead silent and just ran off, I probably broke her heart!

It was a cloudy Thursday afternoon, but Y/n didn't care as she was completely lost in worried thoughts about Tiffany. She was wearing her usual burgundy boots and she used them to kick a stray pebble around on the sidewalk just outside of RHH. School ended right at 12 today as Thursdays are usually always half days. This luckily meant she didn't have any run ins with Tiffany. Y/n apologized to her multiple times through text, but got no response. Even though she technically wasn't in the wrong for any of this, she still felt bad for hurting her friend's feelings. The h/c haired girl wanted nothing more than to go back in time and make sure this never happened. Unfortunately, that wasn't how life worked. Defeated, Y/n looked up. The sun wasn't shining since there were fluffy clouds filling the sky as far as the eye could see. Despite it being somewhat gloomy, it comforted her. That is, until she got interrupted by a certain someone.

"Hey, Y/n." Clay greeted the girl with his classic grin. She just about jumped out of her skin. "Woah! This is the second time I've accidentally scared you. Everything okay?"

She looked into his earnest eyes, wishing she could tell him the truth. "Yeah everything's going good for me." She stated, putting up a mock smile to make herself more believable.

"If you say so. Also, what were you doing just staring up into the sky? Waiting for an alien invasion or something?" He joked, but seemed genuinely concerned.

"I was just, um, thinking."

"Thinking about what?" He tilted his head to one side ever so slightly to display his curiosity.

Y/n noticed his head tilt, finding it cute. But she pushed that feeling down out of guilt, "nothing."

"Thinking about... nothing?" Y/n got flustered from realizing the stupidity of her statement, but played along and nodded. "Alright then, if you insist on not telling me that's fine. But you do look kinda under the weather. I know, how about we go to this cute little cafe that opened up right near my place."

Y/n's e/c eyes twinkled, "really? I'd love to!"

I truly love spending time with Y/n. She's probably the best person out of the entire school and I'm gonna get to spend the whole afternoon with her. Just thinking about it put a smile on my face. She's so sweet and caring, I love how she always makes sure to check up on me. That's why I was trying to do the same for her, but I suppose she's not ready yet. It feels as if I've known her forever even though I know that isn't true. I wouldn't mind spending forever with Y/n though. Whether that be as friends or, just maybe, more.

We were walking to close together that my shoulder would brush against his arm on occasion. If it were any other day I'd be mentally freaking out from this. Probably blushing big time too. Instead, I have this gnawing remorse welling up inside me from what happened. There's no way in hell that I'm going to let that slip to Clay. He's always been there for me and I trust him a lot, but I am not ready to confess my undying love to him just yet.

"Just a little longer. What drink are you thinking of getting?" Clay asks me in a friendly and warm tone.

"Hmmm, I'm not too sure yet. I'll have to see what they have for drinks. What are you gonna get?" I bounce the question back to him.

His mischievous smile that I find adorable makes an appearance as he says, "one large hot chocolate with extra whipped cream. I wonder if they have sprinkles too, that would be great!"

"I should've known." I let myself relax enough to laugh, "that's what you get every time, don't you?"

"Why try fix what's not broken? It's an absolutely perfect drink." He says, then seems to notice something. Without saying a word, Clay moves himself to the right of me. Making it so that he's a barrier between Y/n and the sidewalk.

Y/n was puzzled as to why he did this. "What are you doing?"

"It's called the sidewalk rule. My moms told me how a man should always walk closest to the road so the lady he's walking with is less likely to get hurt." He answered, explaining his motives.

"That's so sweet!" Y/n figured it was a courtesy he probably did to almost everyone, but she was still flattered nonetheless.

Y/n sipped at her drink and scanned the small café. Clay had said it was new, but it gave the feeling of nostalgia with the way it was decorated. Clay took off the plastic lid that contained the mountains of whipped cream and sprinkles. He leaned into it and took a huge bite, this made Y/n giggle. He looked up at the laughing girl and asked, "what's so funny?"

"Nothing, it's just the way you ate the whipped cream" I chuckled a bit more.

"What's wrong with the way I ate it?" Clay asked, then proceeded to lick off all the whipped cream surrounding his mouth.

"I think that it's cute." I smile genuinely this time. Being near Clay never fails to cheer me up and make me forget all about my worries, including the situation I'm in with Tiffany. That is, until I see her and her friends walk in.

"What's wrong, Y/n?" Clay noticed the way my face immediately fell. I didn't respond, my eyes were latched on to hers as she glared back at me. "You've been acting off all day and now you're getting really pale. Do you wanna stay at my place for a bit?"

I leapt at the offer, "yeah let's go." I wanted to get away from Tiffany before something happened.

"Make yourself at home!" Clay opens the door to his spacious, modern styled house.

"Clay, dear, is that you?" A soft feminine feminine voice could be heard from the kitchen to the left.

Y/n walked inside and Clay shut the door as he answered, "Yeah, ma it me. I brought a guest too."

"A guest? Is it that Y/n girl I've been dying to meet or just one of your guy friends?" A different, more husky voice could be heard from the same kitchen

Clay seemed visibly flustered and stammered out, "it's Y/n this time, mom."

Hushed whispers could be heard, then two women emerged. One was tall and had dark hair, much like Clay's except cut short. The other was a few inches smaller and had Porcelain skin with freckles dotting her face. Golden wisps of hair strayed from her messy braid. The first woman spoke up, "Hello, dear. It's so nice to finally meet you. From what Clay says, you're such a sweet girl, please, call me ma."

The shorter one stepped forward and rested her hand on her wife. "Would you care to stay for dinner?" Mrs. Barlowe asked, her voice gravelly.

"Oh, yes! Where are my manners? I'd be more than happy to serve you a plate anytime, hun." Ma's voice was sweet like honey.

"I'd have to call my parents first, if they allow it I'd love to stay." I said, already pulling my phone out of my pocket to call them.

Clay took my bag from me and grabbed his to go put them away as I dialed my dad's number. A couple minutes of negotiating later, I was able to give ma and Mrs. Barlowe the okay for dinner. Clay invited me to the living room so we could chat as we did some homework on the coffee table. Spending the evening at his place seems like a dream come true, but what happened in the café with Tiffany almost completely tainted it. I have no idea how I'm going to survive going into school tomorrow.

[ hope you guys liked this one. More updates coming soon!]

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