Chapter 2: Club Handy

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Club Handy,
One hour later

Penny Jones

If the live jazz music blaring through the small, boiling hot room wasn't enough, the way people are dancing together on the dance floor creates a very sexual atmosphere. The soft, dim lighting makes the cigarette smoke from all of the people smoking stand out, making the air feel thick. It makes the room appear foggy. The wine I've been drinking for the past hour started to take effect almost immediately, making me feel light and fuzzy - and slightly dizzy. It's not an unfamiliar feeling - although, I've only been drunk once before so I have zero tolerance to alcohol. The boy standing on the stage - who looks to be around the same age as me - belts out the lyrics of song I don't recognise, but I like the sound of it. He moves around the stage with such momentum, one foot on top of a chair as he closes his eyes, throwing his head back.

I spot Jack and Danny dancing in the middle of the crowd with two girls who grind against them, their hands roaming each other's bodies. "Jesus Christ, look at them," Sharon says from her seat beside me at the bar. "They're having a field day. They're gonna drag us here every weekend, now."

I laugh, shaking my head as I bring my glass to my lips, finishing off the rest of the white wine in my glass before setting it down on the bar. "Can we please have another bottle of wine?" I ask Stan - the bartender. I've never been to Club Handy before, but I made friends with the bartender very quickly. He gets funnier with every glass of wine I consume.

Stan smiles, "second bottle of wine already, ladies?"

I smile, shrugging my shoulders. "We're celebrating Penny's birthday," Sharon says with a smile, her forearms on the bar.

Stan smiles as he opens another bottle of sauvignon blanc, pouring the alcohol into our empty wine glasses. "This one's on the house, then. Happy birthday."

I smile as I bring the glass to my lips, "thank you," I say before I take a sip.

"Alright!" I hear someone shout into the microphone. It sounds like-

"Can everyone please wish my best friend, Miss Penny Jones a happy birthday?" The entire club - including Sharon - erupts into a mix of cheers and clapping and I turn my gaze over my shoulder to find Jack standing on the stage with the microphone in front of his lips. He smiles down at me and I shake my head, covering my face as I laugh. "Penny, why don't you come up here and sing somethin' for us?" Jack says into the microphone.

Immediately, I feel my palms becoming clammy, and I turn my gaze to Sharon who smiles encouragingly. The only people who have ever heard me sing are my father, Jack, Danny, and Sharon. Although it's my dream to be a singer, I've never been brave enough to sing in front of a crowd. "You should do it, Penny," Sharon says. I nod, my chest rising as I take a deep breath in. You can do this, I tell myself. "Here." Sharon picks up my glass of wine and hands it to me. "It'll calm your nerves." I bring the glass to my lips, tipping my head back as I drink the rest of the wine in the glass. I set the empty glass down on the bar-top and stand up, and the cheers become increasingly louder.

"Come on up here, Penny," Jack says into the microphone. He stands at my end of the stage, holding his hand out towards me. I take hold of his hand and he pulls me up onto the stage, the cheering dying down as Jack jumps off the stage - after giving me a reassuring smile - and I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn my gaze over my shoulder, finding a set of golden brown eyes flicking between mine.

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