Chapter 3: Sing Your Heart Out

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Penny was awoken the next morning, or afternoon, by her phone ringing. "Hello?" There was a pounding in her head as she answered the phone, her voice thick with sleep. 

"Hi." Immediately, she recognised the voice on the other end of the phone. It was Jonny, Danny's older brother. The wheels started turning in her head as she wondered why Jonny would be calling her, and then she remembered. Ah, how could she forget? The kiss!

"Listen, I know we were kinda interrupted last night but I'd like to take you out to dinner sometime," he said. And just when Penny opened her mouth to reject his offer for the same reason she always did - Elvis - she remembered his words from the previous night.

"You're just a kid."

She figured if she wasn't going to wait around Elvis anymore, she should at least go for a nice boy like Jonny, who she knew would treat her right. "Yeah," she said, "I'd like that."

Jonny smiled in disbelief that he was getting a chance with Penny Jones. "Alright," he said, trying his best to sound calm and collected. "How about tomorrow at 7?"

"Don't be late," Penny said, putting the phone down. As she laid back down on her king-size mattress, Penny tried to ignore the pit deep in her chest that told her no one except from Elvis would ever fill the void inside of her that she desperately wanted to be filled. Penny had always longed for a love that consumed her, which is why she held off and waited for Elvis for most of her teenage years. She knew she'd never love anyone as much as him. 

But Penny pushed her thoughts to the back of her head and started to think about what outfit she would wear for her date with Jonny the following night. Before she could get far, there was a knock on her bedroom door. "Come in," she said, looking over at the door as it was pushed open, revealing Mel - her father. Penny's heart dropped to her stomach as he walked into her room. Penny never wanted her father to be disappointed in her, and she knew he would be if he knew she had been drinking the night before. Hoping he wouldn't notice her hangover, Penny offered him a smile, trying not to wince at the pounding in her head which became increasingly worse as she sat up straight. "Hi dad."

"Penny," her father started. She could tell by the tone in his voice that he knew, and that he was disappointed. The smile faded from her face as he said, "I saw Elvis carrying you upstairs last night." 

She looked down at her hands. "I'm sorry, dad. I was just having fun with my friends-"

"Find another way to have fun with your friends, then, okay?" Penny looked up, taking a breath in when she saw the disappointment on her father's face. 

She nodded her head. "I'm sorry, dad."

"I know you are, Pen," he said softly. "Now, are we going to record some songs, or what?"

And that was enough to cure Penny's hangover. Her face lit up. "Today?" she asked, excitement evident in her voice. 

Her father nodded, smiling. "Today." And so, Penny brought her songbook to the recording studio that afternoon. 

"Penny," her father said just as she was about to walk into the booth.

"Yeah?" she said. 

"Sing your heart out."

And that's exactly what she did.


Thank you for reading! Let me know what you think of the story so far. 

Starting from the next chapter, the rest of the story will be set one year later. Buckle up!

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