Chapter 14: Dear Diary, I Am So Nervous

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Penny Jones

I awaken the next morning with a smile on my face, which fades when I realise I don't feel a heavy arm draped over my waist. I turn around, feeling a pang of disappointment in my chest when I find the other side of the bed empty, but I notice small piece of paper on the pillow.

'I had to leave early this morning in case your dad came home. Call me today and let me know how you're feeling.

P.s. eat the chocolates.

- Elvis'

I smile as I set the note down on my nightstand, reaching for the box of chocolates before I slump back down onto the mattress. I pull the lid of the box open and pull a milk chocolate out, placing it in my mouth.

Jesus christ, I think to myself as I devour the chocolate. Where did he get these?

My thoughts are interrupted by my telephone ringing on my night stand. I smile to myself. It's probably Elvis. I reach over to take the telephone off the receiver. "Hello?" I answer with the telephone to my ear.

"Hi, Penny."

The smile is wiped off my face when I hear Peggy's voice through the telephone. "Listen," she says. "Your date with Mick is on Friday, 7 O'clock." I let out a breath, covering my face with my hand. How could I forget about the date?

And then I remember the fact that I haven't told Elvis yet. Oh, god. And it's on Friday? That's in three days! I cover my face with my hand, sighing.

"I'll call the paparazzi once you get to the restaurant," Peggy says. "Enjoy!" And the line goes dead.

I place the telephone back on the receiver and sigh as I let my head fall back against the pillow. I grab my pack of Marlboros from my nightstand, pulling one out of the pack to place it in my mouth. I open the drawer of my nightstand and rake through it until I find a lighter. I light the cigarette and take a long drag from it as I dial Sharon's number on the telephone. I stand up and pace back and forth with the telephone to my ear, my palms sweaty as I await an answer.

"Hello?" she answers after a few rings.

"Sharon, I don't know what to do." I blow out the smoke with a little more force than usual.

"What's wrong?" Sharon asks, concern laced in her tone.

"Peggy's sending me on a date with Mick Jagger on Friday and I haven't told Elvis yet and I don't know how to tell him and I'm scared he's gonna-"

"Okay, slow down, Pen," Sharon says. "You're going on a date with Mick Jagger?"

"It's just a publicity stunt," I explain. "Peggy says if I wanna take the next few months off work then I need to do this first to boost my image."

"Okay," Sharon says. "Listen, Pen. From what you've told me, Elvis is head over heels for you. If he's the man you say he is, he'll understand." I let out a breath, sitting down on the edge of my bed as I let Sharon's words sink in. "But you gotta let him know, Pen. Give him some notice, don't wait 'til Friday to tell him."

"Okay," I say. I know she's right. "I'll tell him today."

"Okay, let me know how it goes." I take another drag from my cigarette, still feeling nervous. "Remember, if he doesn't understand, he's not the one for you."

I nod nervously, "okay, yeah, sure."


Dear diary,

I am so nervous. I don't know how to tell Elvis that I'm going on a date with another man. Of course it's just a publicity stunt, but that doesn't mean it won't hurt. I don't want to hurt Elvis. I want to make him happy, and going on this date will do the opposite of that.
I can't stop thinking what if. What if he ends things between us? What if he gets upset? Or what if he gets angry? But then I have to remind myself that he's not Jonny, and it's not fair of me to bleed on someone who didn't cut me.
I'm so nervous, I've worked my way through an entire pack of cigarettes today. There's only one left in the pack. I can't stop - it's the only thing besides Elvis that relaxes me. Anyway, I'm about to head over to his place and tell him. Wish me luck.

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