Chapter 18: She'll Come Back

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5,000 reads! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You will never know how much your support means to me.

I received a beautiful message on here a couple of days ago from someone named Cher, and it motivated me to finish this chapter.

Thank you for your continued support. I hope you enjoy this chapter!

- Faith xo


Elvis Presley

I sit at the kitchen table, nursing a glass of whiskey as I nervously await Penny's return. My gaze has been fixed on the large clock on the wall - which reads 10.27pm - for the past hour. The sound of the clock ticking is the only sound that fills the empty kitchen, which feels so much emptier without Penny in it. The entire house feels empty without her - without her smile and her laugh, her sweet voice, the smell of her perfume and the faint smell of cigarettes. Without Penny's warm, happy, bright and sunny aura, my house feels completely and utterly empty. She's only been gone a couple of hours, Elvis, I tell myself. She'll come back.

Unless she won't. Unless she changes her mind about me and decides she wants to be with Mick. I loathe that son of a bitch. But my god, I think to myself. What a lucky son of a bitch he'll be if that happens. I'm suddenly - and thankfully - snapped out of my thoughts when I hear my front door being opened. My gaze snaps to my right, and for a few seconds, I question my sanity. Did the door really just open, or did I just imagine it? Is it Penny? I wonder. Oh, god, I hope it's Penny. Please let it be Penny. My heart rate picks up and it only seems to be beating faster and faster every second, as if I need blood pumped into my veins ten times faster than usual.


She came back.

It's as if my prayers have been answered when I hear Penny's sweet voice calling my name. What a beautiful sound. I stand up and rush out into the hallway, a grin taking over my face when my gaze lands on Penny, who smiles back at me as she kicks off her shoes. For some reason - maybe shock, or happiness, or excitement - whatever one it is, I don't move. I can't. I just stand there, frozen in my spot, staring at Penny with a wide grin on my face. I have never felt so relieved in all my life. Penny's smile grows wider with every step she takes towards me, and her steps speed up until she's running across the hallway. Her body crashes into mine and she wraps her arms around my neck just as mine wrap around her waist. I squeeze her tightly, lifting her off the ground just a little bit. As if she can read my mind and she knows I need it, Penny squeezes me tight, too. I let my eyes fall closed and as the relief floods over me, I know I am the luckiest man on the planet as I hold Penny's body tight against mine.

"Hi," she says softly, her voice slightly muffled against my shoulder. The sound of her voice causes a smile to grow on my face, and I leave a kiss on the side of her head.

"Hi baby." Penny pulls her head back and presses her lips against mine. I smile when I feel Penny smile into the kiss. Every last muscle in my body relaxes whenever her lips are on mine - especially now, with the relief flowing through my veins at the fact that she came back to me. The soft kiss lingers for a few seconds until Penny softly pulls her head back, breaking the kiss. I lower her so her feet meet the ground, but my arms remain wrapped tightly around her waist. She gazes up at me, her eyes flicking between mine as she softly plays with the hair at the nape of my neck. I've been yearning for her touch - for her - since she left a few hours ago, so to say I'm relieved to finally be feeling it would be an understatement.

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