Chapter 12: Once You're Mine

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Penny Jones

I knock on Elvis's door. "Elvis?" I drag out the 'E' as I call on him, continuing to knock on the door. "Hello?" I call.

The door - which I didn't realise I'm leaning against - bursts open, and I suddenly find myself in Elvis's arms. "Woah, baby, what's wrong?" he asks, his large hands keeping hold of my arms to hold me up. He sounds worried, and I feel his arm wrapping around my body as he closes the door. "Are you okay?"

I smile, nodding as I pull back to look up at him. My gaze wanders up from his bare chest, which sends so many butterflies erupting in my stomach, I swear I could open a sanctuary of them. He stands wearing only a pair of navy blue pyjama bottoms. I lick my lips with a smile as my gaze travels up his body, from his full lips, to his eyes, which are so incredibly blue. He has such beautiful eyes.

Elvis smiles softly down at me, "thank you baby."

My eyebrows furrow in confusion. How did he just hear my thoughts? I think to myself. Is he a mind reader?

And then it hits me. I cover my mouth with my hands, "did I say that out loud?" Elvis smiles, breathing out a laugh through his nose.

"Yes, sweetheart. You did."

"Oh, shit," I breathe out a laugh through my nose. Elvis tucks a strand of hair behind my ear and I remove my hands from my face, wrapping them around the back of his neck. "Guess what?" I whisper.

Elvis wraps his arms around my waist, "what, baby?" he whispers back.

I smile, "Sharon's calling Noah," I whisper. "You can't tell anyone though, it's a secret."

Elvis smiles softly, "your secret's safe with me, baby." He gently runs a hand over my hair, moving it over my shoulder. "Are you drunk, honey?" he asks, but I ignore his question, letting out a breath.

"Why don't you wanna have sex with me?"

Elvis's eyebrows knit together as his full lips part, and I fight the urge to kiss them as I stare at him. So tempting.

"Baby what're you talkin' about?"

"You, mister." I place my finger on his chest. "Don't wanna have sex with me. And I wanna know why."

Elvis looks very confused, which confuses me. "Who told you I don't-" he takes a breath in, "you know what? You're a lil' drunk, sweetheart, so why don't we talk about this tomorrow, yeah?" Elvis wraps an arm around my waist and attempts to walk me through his house, but I remain in my spot.

"But I wanna know why," I say, looking for the answer in his eyes. "Tell me what's wrong with me, please."

Elvis's eyebrows knit together and he places his hands on either side of my face, pulling mine slightly closer towards his. "Listen to me, Penny. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. I don't ever wanna hear you say that again, okay?"

I let out a breath, "but then, why-" I cling onto Elvis's arm when it suddenly feels as if I'm spinning at a hundred miles per hour. "Woah." I close my eyes in attempt to stop the dizziness, but it doesn't help.

"What? What's wrong?" he asks, holding me up.

I meet his gaze and let out a breath. It feels like he's spinning too. Or is it the room that's spinning? I can't tell. "I'm spinning."

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