Chapter 6: Bring a Bathing Suit

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Penny Jones

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Penny Jones

"And then he said he'd call me today!" I squeal. Sharon's jaw drops, a grin taking over her face. Lesley Gore plays softly from the record player at the far side of my bedroom as I fill Sharon in on all of the details from last night with Elvis. I sit cross-legged on my bed, while Sharon lays on her stomach beside me.

"Oh my, god!" Sharon squeals, clearly excited for me.

"I know." I smile. "I wonder where he's taking me, though. And when? And I don't know what I'll wear."

"Something cute, not sexy. You gotta make him wait for that," Sharon says. "And whatever you do, do not sleep with him." She raises her eyebrows, pointing her finger at me in seriousness.

I've only slept with one person, which is Jonny, so I'm not exactly a sexual maverick, but all of the things I'd love to do to Elvis have been at the forefront of my mind since last night. I fall back onto the mattress dramatically and look up at the ceiling, sighing. "I'm afraid I won't be able to resist him, though. Like really afraid. I can't sleep with him on the first date! He'll get the wrong message and think I'm just-"

"Okay, slow down, Pen," Sharon says. I turn my gaze to her, "I'm gonna be straight with you, he probably will get the wrong message if you sleep with him on the first date, so you're gonna have to try and power through if you really like him and you want it to go further than just a one night stand, which we both know you do."

"Yeah, no shit Sherlock."

Sharon rolls her eyes. "Shut up."

"Why hasn't he called yet?" I ask, inspecting my red fingernails for any chips. There's none.

"It's only 2 O'clock in the afternoon," Sharon says. "Come on, Pen, you need to stop obsessing over this so much. Lets do something to take your mind off it, lets-"

Sharon is interrupted by my telephone ringing from my nightstand. I stare at the baby blue telephone as it rings, turning my gaze back to Sharon with wide eyes.

"Answer it!" she cries.

I sit up, picking up the telephone. I take a deep breath before I answer, "hello?"

"Hi, honey." A wide grin takes over my face when I hear Elvis's deep Southern drawl through the phone. I turn my gaze to Sharon, who smiles back at me encouragingly. "How're you doin'?

"I'm good," I say. "How're you?"

"I'm good," Elvis says. "Listen, I know where I wanna take ya for our date, but it's a surprise."

I smile, "well, I like surprises, but how am I gonna know what to wear if it's a surprise?"

"Jus' bring a bathing suit." A bathing suit?


"When can I take you out?" Elvis asks.

Right now, I think to myself, but I don't say it. "Well, I'm seeing my friends for a little while tonight, so-"

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