Chapter 7: Bullshit

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"See you later," I say from the passenger seat of Elvis's car. I open the door and step out onto my father's driveway. But before I can take one step, I hear Elvis's voice from behind me.

"Don't I get a kiss goodbye, sweetheart?"

A smile creeps onto my face and I turn around, leaning over the passenger side of the car. Elvis leans forward too, and our lips meet in a gentle, still kiss. His full lips feel so soft against mine, yet it somehow feels as if he's trying to tell me a thousands words through this kiss as he places his hand on my cheek, the kiss remaining soft and light.

I savour the feeling of his lips against mine, revelling in the soft kiss until I hear someone laughing from down the street. The sound snaps me back to reality and I'm reminded of the fact that I'm standing on my father's driveway and he could see us at any minute. The chances of him being awake at this time are slim to none but the risk is still there.

I break the kiss but Elvis's hand remains on my face, his thumb softly drawing back and forth on my chin as he gazes up at me. "Goodbye," I say, but I don't move. I don't want to. I allow Elvis's gaze to wander over my face, taking in the way the orange sunrise reflects on his blue eyes.

"Goodbye," he says softly. Elvis's gaze wanders over my face for a few seconds - which I wish would last forever - before he removes his hand from my face. I give him a soft smile before I turn around, my gaze torn from his and directed back towards my father's house.

It's time for me to get some sleep...


I'm awoken the next morning by the sound of my father on the phone to someone in the hallway. "Yeah that sounds good," he says. I grab my pillow and press it over my ear, muffling the sound of his voice. I feel so tired, I want to go back to sleep, but the second my mind wanders to the events of last night, I know I'm not going to get to sleep any time soon. The second Elvis enters my brain it feels as if someone's given me a shot of adrenaline.

A smile creeps onto my face as I stretch my arms out. I could get used to Elvis being around, I think to myself. I could get used to talking on the dock with him and swimming with him and kissing him and talking to him until the sun comes up. Last night was good. It was very good. After Elvis dropped me off at my father's house, I sneaked into my bedroom and eventually fell asleep with a smile on my face.

And here I am now - with a smile on my face.

Despite how tired I feel due to my lack of sleep, I decide to get out of bed and go downstairs for some breakfast. I stroll out of my bedroom in my baby pink nightdress, making my way downstairs. My father - who stands in the hallway, still on the phone - gives me a smile as I pass him. "Alright, see you later," he says. I hear the telephone being put back on the receiver from behind me as I walk into the kitchen, spotting a plate with a half eaten slice of toast on it sitting on the circular wooden table. I run a hand through my hair as I pick up the toast and take a bite. "Good morning, Pen." I feel my father leave a kiss on the top of my head from behind me. "What're you doing today?"

"We're all gonna go to the lake." I swallow my mouthful of toast. "What're you doing?" I ask before taking another bite.

"I was just on the phone to Elvis, I'm going over to his house later on tonight." My eyes widen and I suddenly forget how to breathe. "You should come too, I'm sure he wouldn't mind."

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