Chapter 19: Mine

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You'll know when to play the song:)


The next morning

Penny Jones

I awaken feeling Elvis's heavy arm draped over my side. A smile creeps onto my lips as I take in his musky, vanilla scent, which is stuck to his shirt that I slept in last night. I hope it wasn't completely obvious that I wanted to sleep in the shirt he was wearing yesterday was because I knew it would smell like him. I can feel Elvis's soft breaths fanning over the skin on the back of my neck, and the relaxing sensation nearly sends me back to sleep, but I want to take a look at him first, so I turn around to face him. I smile when I'm faced with those bright blue eyes. Elvis lays on his side, a lazy smile pulling on his lips as his eyes wander over my face. God, I could just lay here forever.

"Hi pretty girl." Elvis's voice is thick with sleep - more deep than usual.

"Hi," I say softly as he gently brushes my bangs off my face. His gaze falls down to my lips, and it lingers there for a couple of seconds before he meets my gaze once again. There's a glimmer in his eye as he twirls a strand of my hair around his finger. "Are you hungry?" I ask, feeling hungry myself. A boyish grin pulls on Elvis's lips and I feel his fingertip running down my ribcage and over my waist. I can practically hear his dirty thoughts as his fingertip continues to run further and further down my body. "For food," I clarify. I try to back away from him, but I don't really try. I attempt to hide the smile on my face as he takes hold of my jaw and pulls my face towards his, but it's no use. Elvis smiles a kiss onto my lips, and I smile too.

"Not exactly," he says in between sweet kisses. I breathe out a laugh through my nose at his eagerness.

I hate to say no to him, but I can feel myself still a little sensitive from last night, so I shake my head. "Uh-uh. No way," I smile against his lips as he continues to leave soft kisses on my lips, "I'm too sensitive." After one more kiss, I turn around and stand up from the bed. I turn around to face Elvis as I pull the hair tie off my wrist and begin tying the top half of my hair back loosely. Elvis lays on his side, gazing up at me with a lazy smile on his lips. The black bed covers have traveled down his body, leaving his entire chest and stomach on display. His tanned chest is so perfectly toned, and his skin is so beautiful - I swear he was carved by God himself.

From the cheeky smirk I hadn't even noticed was growing on Elvis's face - until now - I gather that he's quite enjoying me standing here, gawking at him. It takes everything in me to tear my gaze from him and turn around, walking out into the hallway with a smile on my face. "I'll go make us breakfast," I call over my shoulder as I head downstairs.

I rub my eyes as I walk into the kitchen, turning the radio on. A song I don't recognise begins playing as I open the cupboard to grab a loaf of bread. I place two slices of bread in the toaster and push the lever down, hearing a faint buzzing noise as the toaster turns on. I grab the strawberry jam from the fridge and pull a knife out of the drawer, setting them both down on the counter. Just as I pull out two plates from the cupboard in front of me, I feel two strong arms wrapping around me from behind. A smile grows on my face as I set the plates down on the counter. My smile only grows wider when I feel Elvis leaving a soft kiss on the spot where my neck meets my shoulder.

"Be mine," he whispers against my skin, pressing another kiss onto my neck before resting his chin on my shoulder. I smile, letting my head fall back against his chest. I thought I had already made it clear to him that I'm his. Completely and utterly his. There's no one else for me.

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