Chapter 9: So Sweet, Baby

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The next day

Penny Jones

The feeling of Elvis's lips leaving a soft kiss on the spot where my neck meets my shoulder awakens me from my sleep. It's a nice way to wake up. His heavy arm is thrown over my waist, his warm body pressed to mine. I turn around to face him, and I smile at the sight of his blue eyes, slightly disheveled hair, and the lazy smile on his face. His arm tightens around my waist as he pulls me closer to him until my body is pressed flush against his.

"Hi," I say softly, letting my gaze fall down to his full lips for a second.

He smiles. "Hi." His voice sounds deeper than usual. More raspy, and thick with sleep.  Elvis leans forward and I know he's going in for a kiss, but before our lips can meet, I pull back.

"Uh-uh." I shake my head. Elvis's eyebrows knit together. He leans his weight on his forearm, his face hovering above mine. "I haven't brushed my teeth yet."

"I don't care," Elvis leans in again, but I move my head to the side, causing his lips to brush against my cheek. "Damn you." I smile, shrugging. "Gimme a kiss." He takes hold of my jaw and I smile, giving in to him the second our lips meet.

A kiss that begins soft and gentle soon turns hungry and urgent when my tongue enters Elvis's mouth. I can feel myself getting wet for him as the kiss becomes deeper and deeper. I want to finish what we started a couple of nights ago. I'm aching for him. Elvis groans deeply into the kiss when I palm him through his trousers, feeling how hard he is for me. "Penny," he says against my lips in a warning tone.

"Yes?" I look up at him innocently.

"I don't want you to do anythin' you're gonna regret. Just let me take care of you."

"But I would never regret-"

"Listen to me, baby." Elvis interrupts me, placing a finger under my chin. He tilts my head upwards, gazing down at me. "I jus' wanna take care of you. Let me take care of you. Please?" He presses a kiss onto my lips. "Haven't been able to get you outta my head since the other night." Butterflies erupt in my stomach at his words - that and the feeling of him leaving a trail of soft kisses down my neck. I place my hands on either side of his head as he does so, and his kisses continue trailing down my body and over the fabric of my dress - which I suddenly wish wasn't there. "Let me taste you, Penny. Please, baby." He continues leaving his trail of kisses down my body. "Can't stop thinkin' about it." He stops when his kisses reach my lower stomach, looking up at me.

"Please," I breathe out. And with that, Elvis pulls my underwear down my legs, tossing the baby blue fabric to the side. I take a sharp breath in the second his finger makes contact with my soaked folds. He slowly drags his finger upwards, his gaze on mine. I whimper when his finger makes contact with my clit, my eyes falling shut when he begins circling it. I breathe heavily, my lips parted. But even with my eyes closed, I feel Elvis's eyes burning into me.

"Is this okay, baby?" he asks, his voice deep. I can only nod in response, the sensations in my core being the only thing I can focus on.

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