Chapter 10: Meet Me in the Pale Moonlight

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Penny Jones

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Penny Jones

"Where is my red bikini?" I say under my breath as I rake through my bikini drawer, hearing the same melody in my head that's been bugging me since I got home from Elvis's.

"Penny!" I hear my father call on me from downstairs. "I'm home!"

I glance at the small circular clock on my nightstand. It's 1pm. My eyebrows knit together. My dad's home already? He only showed up at Elvis's an hour ago. I toss my copy of The Bell Jar onto the mattress and stand up from my bed, making my way downstairs.

"Penny, are you okay?" my dad asks, sounding worried. My eyebrows knit together as I near the bottom of the staircase. My dad stands at the door, walking towards me.

"yeah, I'm fine. What do you-"

"Why didn't you tell me, Pen?" Sadness is very much present in my father's voice. I reach the bottom of the staircase and my dad stands in front of me. Tell him what? I think to myself.

And then it hits me...

He knows about Elvis.

I let my eyes fall closed for a couple of seconds - during which I wish the ground would open up and swallow me - before I open them, meeting my father's saddened gaze. "Listen, dad. I knew you wouldn't be happy about it, but I-"

"Wouldn't be happy about it?" My father's eyes widen slightly and I swear I can physically feel my heart sink to my stomach. I feel guilty. "Penny you know I never liked Jonny, but what I care about the most is that you're okay."

My eyebrows knit together in confusion. Jonny? I thought my dad was talking about Elvis. And then I realise that my dad must have heard about Jonny and I's break up. That's what he's talking about! Not Elvis. A sense of relief washes over me and I let our a breath, the crease between my brows easing.

"Dad, I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the breakup. It's just that I-" I take a breath in, a genuine smile pulling on my lips as I say, "I'm actually okay."

My father nods, looking relieved. He wraps his arms around me and I smile, wrapping my arms around his back. "As long as you're happy," he says, "I'm happy."

I smile, "I am," I say. And it's true.

My father leaves a kiss on the top of my head before pulling back. My father smiles softly down at me, and I return the smile. "D'you wanna watch tv with me?"

He smiles, "'course, Pen." He throws his arm over my shoulder as we make our way towards the living room. "You know, I never liked that Jonny..."

Two hours later

Dear diary,

I am so lucky to have my father. I realise I've had a very privileged life, but the unconditional love I feel from my dad will never compare to the big houses or the fancy cars or the shopping sprees and whatever else. Although I'm very lucky to have all of those things - thanks to my mom and my dad - I've realised it's better to have all of the things that people from the outside can't see, rather than the materialistic things that they can see. And as long as I have my dad and my best friends, I know I'll always have everything I need.

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