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-𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐄𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐫-

"Tch stupid bastard making me all flustered like that..." Bakugo muttered. He hung around the edges of the clearing, failing to notice his friend go into the forest looking for him.

After he calmed down, Katsuki made his way back to the pond expecting to see his Prince. But Shoto wasn't there.

"Icy?" He called out. No response.

"Icy?! C'mon this isn't funny." The crack of thunder made him look up in a panic. It was going to rain.

"Damnit where are you..." The blond whispered, finally deciding to venture into the array of lush green trees.

"Todoroki! Where are you?" He cried, slowly getting desperate.

As soon as the rain started pouring that's when he snapped.

"SHOTO?!" He was frantically running around, shoving leaves and branches out of his way. His clothes were better suited to resist against the cold, but the Prince's? Absolutely not.

Stopping for a moment to catch his breath, he saw a cave a few yards ahead. If he knew anything about Shoto (he knows a lot) it would be that he hates having wet clothes on. So if the boy happened to come across this cave, he'd definitely still be inside it.

Approaching it slowly in case something other than Todoroki was in there, he poked his head through the entrance. He gasped seeing his friend passed out on the floor, clutching his bag tightly.

Snowy had long since left the bag, he was sniffing Shoto's fingers, wondering why the human wasn't moving anymore.

"Oh my god Shoto!" Quickly the blond rushed to his side, kneeling besides the two-toned male he placed his head delicately on his lap.

Snowy hopped onto Todoroki's chest, nuzzling into it. Katsuki almost smiled, but now wasn't the time. The boy's body was cold as ice, his lips were blue and slightly purple. The older knew they had to get out of there before it became a case of hypothermia.

Grabbing the messenger bag and wearing it across his body, he placed his rough hands under the younger's knees and back and lifted the prince up with ease.

Snowy was still laying on the boy, and wasn't fazed by the red-eyed human's actions. He just liked the coolness the sleeping human provided.

Katsuki quickly began his trek back to the castle. As the the rain slowly lessened, the blond slowed his pace as well. The rain eventually stopped entirely, just as they reached the cobblestone pathway that led to the palace.

"This is my fault." Bakugo said to himself (and maybe to Snowy as well) he looked at Todoroki's sleeping face, even passed out he was beautiful.

"If I hadn't been stupidly short-tempered you wouldn't be here right now." He felt really bad, Shoto hadn't even done anything to warrant such a reaction from him. All he said was,

"Katsuki...you're staring."

"Shut up no I'm-" Realization smacked him across the face.

"SHOTO!" Stopping himself in his tracks, he placed Todoroki on the floor and pulled him into a tight hug. Reciprocating the gesture the younger was a bit confused as to what was going on. Snowy was carefully moved to be held in Shoto's arms.

"Katsuki...what happened?" The feeling of wet cloth on his body make him shiver in discomfort.

"You passed out in the cave due to the cold. I found you a few minutes ago. You didn't wake up so I carried you all the way here." Bakugo explained, hands moving from Todoroki's back to holding his face.

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