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Quick little A/N to wrap everything up!

This was so so so much fun to write! I had a great time creating to world and interacting with you guys in the comments💖

I'm so happy people enjoyed this story because it means I get to make similar ones in the future! Yay!! Only if you guys to me to that is (More fantasy stories or is this enough? 🤔)

I think I'm contributing to at least 5% of all Bakutodo stories currently being updated lmao, most I see are either discontinued or were completed in like 2019

All my currently updating Bakutodo book authors slayed though 😌

ANYWAYS it's a relief to be done with this one since the chapters for this were so longggggg (≈1700-2100 words each)

Def a challenge I won't be doing again for a while lmao

Oh! I almost forgot!

(So fluffy and small🤩🤩)

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(So fluffy and small🤩🤩)

Here's what little snowy looks like! I realized I never included a picture of him! 😅😅 Is it wrong to want to own like 29392 of him? Yes? No? Maybe?

Shoto is so lucky smh😒😒😒

Well, I'll see you guys next time! (Hopefully in "Found in Japan" because shit's gonna go down 😨 if you didn't hate Kara before you sure as hell gonna hate her now lmfao)

Bye bye my peppermints! Love you!!😍

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