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"Prince Shoto! Oh my goodness I am so so so sorry! Forgive my clumsiness!" The greenette bowed over and over, worried he was going to be beheaded. To his great surprise, he heard an angelic laugh in lieu of a spew of curses and insults.

"Midoryia, get up. It is perfectly fine, I assure you. I'm to blame as well. I wasn't looking where I was running." Izuku's eyes sparkled, the prince was just too perfect.


Suddenly, like a lightbulb turning on in his mind Todoroki thought of something.

"Say, Midoryia, you never delivered last week's paper. Is everything okay?" The other blinked for a few times, before a perplexed look overtook his features.

"What? I'm positive I did! In fact, I handed it right to Kacchan! Ask him!" He smiled.

"That's not right...Katsuki's the one who told me you never delivered it." The prince explained. Izuku tried to think of why the blond would tell such a lie. All of the sudden he remembered the rumor circling around, and everything clicked.

"Actually you know what? Maybe I didn't! I think I dreamt of delivering it and that's why you never received it, because I thought I did! Haha! Silly me, I would give you a copy but I'm all out unfortunately. Besides, there's nothing worth taking note of in it either." The green-eyed boy said, twirling his index fingers around each other.

"Ah I see, that makes sense. Nothing interesting? Bummer, I wanted to read it but I suppose I won't go through the trouble of locating a copy. Have a fine day Midoryia, Katsuki is waiting for me."

I'm sure you've all noticed, the way he addresses Bakugo is significantly different from how he addresses everyone else. I guess it's just a matter of trust and comfort.

"You as well Prince Shoto! Bye!"

The friends parted ways, continuing on their separate journeys.

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"Took you long enough you bastard! Why were you gone for a year and a half?" Katsuki tapped his foot impatiently on the wooden floor.

"I got sidetracked by a pretty necklace, and then Midoryia. Calm yourself." Todoroki placed the bags down. Bakugo's face turned pale as he heard his friend mention the familiar name.

"Deku? You saw Deku?"

"Mhm. Apparently he dreamed of delivering last week's paper and that's why we never got it. Funny story right?" He pulled out a peach and handed it to the blond with a smile.

"Thanks..." Mentally engraving into his mind that he should thank the nerd next time he drops by.

"Prince Shoto! You should come see the design we decided on!" Mina's head pops out from behind the curtain, her pink hair curled behind her ears.

"Actually I think I'd like it to be a surprise! I mean Katsuki already knows what my suit looks like, but still." He says. Bakugo looks over at him.

"The one you wore at her coronation? It looks just like all the other ones you wear how should I know which one it is?" The boy grumbles. Shoto laughs a bit.

"Then it'll be a surprise for us both."

Ashido giggles and packs up the outfit. The prince pays and they head back to the carriage. The scenery as they head back is breathing taking and Todoroki begins to speak not fully certain of what he says.

"What color is it?"

"Hm? What color is what?"

"The suit."

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