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-𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡 𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐥𝐥-

"Good morning Icy." A voice called out to the sleepy prince.

Shoto groaned as he was blinded by the 9am sun. As always he protested against this.

"Nooo I'm going back to sleep." Shoving his face into the pillows once more, he heard chuckling. And the sound of curtains being closed. Raising his head in confusion he saw his boyfriend walk up to him.

"Fine, you win. You can sleep in today."

Todoroki's eyes widened, immediately throwing himself into the blond's arms.

"Thank you thank you thank you!!!" It was childish of him, he'll admit, but he could barely contain his excitement.

"No problem. Now go back to sleep." Bakugo turned to leave when a hand grabbed onto his sleeve.

"Hm? Need something?" Katsuki faced his partner, seeing his face tinted with a light blush.

"Could you maybe...stay with me?" He asked, looking at the mattress instead of those intense crimson eyes.

"Sure." Taking off his vest and his shoes, the older had the prince move over so he had room.

Entering the large bed, Katsuki felt his boyfriend snuggle into his chest. He sighed at the warm, comfortable feeling. He placed a light kiss against the younger's forehead. Shoto, basically asleep, didn't react at all. Instead he just smiled and wrapped his arms around Bakugo.

It took a while but eventually the crimson-eyed male ended up falling asleep as well. When they both woke up around 3 hours later, it was not surprising that they were in the same position. With their arms wrapped tightly around each other.

"Good morning once again, sleepyhead." Katsuki teased, his partner yawned and rubbed his eyes in a similar fashion to a cat.

"G'morning..." The prince's voice was drowsy, despite having slept well over 12 hours.

"Now we really need to get up. We're going on a walk today." The blond pecked his boyfriend on the lips before leaving the bed. He slipped on his shoes and his vest and tore open the curtains.

Shoto got up and went into his closet, it was getting warmer outside so he chose the outfit made from the thinnest material.

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