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"What...what are you doing here?" Shoto asked, legs threatening to give out from the shock.

"I invited her." Fuyumi said, she knew her brother missed his mother deeply but after the incident they weren't allowed to be together.

"Shoto..." Rei spoke, she too had no idea her youngest son would be attending the ball. She took a few steps forward before stopping, arms slightly outstretched.

The boy wasted no time wrapping his arms around his mom, she was surprised but hugged him back tightly. He couldn't believe it.

"Oh my sweet boy..." She said, caressing his hair. The two parted and her fingers lightly traced the outline of the burn.

"It's okay mom."

Rei said nothing, only admired her son's perfect face for a little while longer. Her attention was then turned to the forgotten blond who was waiting patiently on the sideline.

"Katsuki my dear, how are you?" She hugged him as well. Bakugo smiled at the shorter woman.

"Doing good, thank you. And yourself?"

"I've been better, but seeing you and Shoto has made me unimaginably happy." She beamed, taking her son's hand into her own.

"But I do have a question, I read in the paper that-"

"FUYUMI! MOM! SHOTO!" Someone else called out. The group turned and saw a slightly disheveled Natsuo running up to them. He almost tripped on his feet a couple times which made Bakugo and Todoroki have to cover their mouths with their hands to keep from laughing.

"Sho-Sho! How's my favorite younger sibling doing?" He ruffled his little brother's hair, the taller swatted his hand away.

"I'm your only younger sibling." The prince deadpanned. Natsuo laughed and shrugged.

"Still my favorite!" He said. Shoto rolled his eyes and turned to his mom.

"You were saying something?" He asked, she thought for a moment and went to respond when they were cut off.

"Actually Icy, I need to speak with you for a second. We'll be right back." Katsuki declared. Thankfully the family had no problem with letting them go.

"Where are we going?" Todoroki asked, being dragged to one of the furthest corners in the ballroom. It did look familiar though.

"Shut your trap Halfie." Opening a small door that lead to a claustrophobic staircase, all the memories came flooding back to the prince in waves of melancholic nostalgia.

"We used to run from your tutors using this staircase." The older reminded. "They never found us."

"Touya always did..." Shoto corrected, Touya was the only one who knew of their secret getaway.

"He wasn't a snitch though."

"No he wasn't."

They went up the steps in silence, if the two-toned boy remembered correctly there were 312 of them in all. Going back down meant doubling that amount, so 624.

After 5 minutes of climbing they finally reached their destination, the top of the tower.

It looked over the entirety of the Todoroki Kingdom and then some, in the far far far distance you could faintly make out the pair's white palace as well.

"I love this view."

"That's why I brought you."

"That's why? I thought you had to tell me something." The younger frowned, if Bakugo just wanted to stargaze couldn't he have waited until after the conversation with his family was over?

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