Chapter 2

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Lydia walks into Queen Consolidated because Oliver texted her

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Lydia walks into Queen Consolidated because Oliver texted her. Lydia walks up to Oliver with a smile, and she says, "Hey." Oliver smiles warmly and says, "Hi. Thank you for coming." Lydia says, "Yeah, of course. So, what's up?" Oliver says, "I want to show you something." Lydia follows Oliver over to a desk and he says, "So, how do you like the view?" Lydia walks over to the window and says, "The view is beautiful." Oliver says, "I knew you would like it." Lydia's confused and looks at Oliver and says, "Ollie, what's going on?" Oliver says, "Well since I'm CEO I need an executive assistant and I thought you would be perfect. Plus, it would be better if you kept close to me like how Dig's my driver." Lydia smiles and says, "Okay, sounds good to me." Oliver smiles and as he walks over to his desk he says, "Great. Now, what I want you to do for me right now is I need you to figure out how the hijackers are getting a line on the goods earmarked for Glades Memorial. If we know how they're picking their targets--" Diggle cuts Oliver off and says, "We'll know when and where to stop them." Lydia says, "I'll get right on that." Lydia sits at her new desk and Oliver says, "Also, could you please make reservations for Dig, Carly and I Saturday night at Table Salt?" Lydia says, "Yeah." Lydia looks at Dig and she says, "You didn't tell him?" Diggle says, "He has enough on his plate." Diggle walks into Oliver's office and Lydia sighs. Later, Lydia's in the bunker when Oliver and Diggle walk in and Oliver says, "What do you have?" Lydia says, "FEMA's shipping 100,000 units of medical opiates of Glades Memorial." Oliver says, "When?" Lydia says, "The truck is scheduled to leave the FEMA depot in 20 minutes." Diggle says, "Not if this motorcycle gang has anything to say about it." Oliver says, "Bad luck for them. I have something to say about it." Later, Oliver's back in the bunker and he's stitching up his leg. Lydia softly says, "Does it hurt?" Oliver groans, "Not as much as some things." Lydia says, "I thought we live in a city where the police are more interested in catching you than the drug-stealing mobsters. Our tax dollars at work." Diggle says, "The authorities have always gone after the vigilante." Oliver says, "This time was different." Diggle says, "How so?" Oliver says, "Because they got in my way. I can't make things better as Oliver Queen and now I can't make things better as the vigilante." Lydia says, "Hey! Go easy on him." Diggle looks at Lydia and says, "It's alright, Lydia." Lydia says, "No, it's not." Lydia looks at Oliver angrily and says, "You don't get to jump down his throat just because you're having a lousy week. You're so pissed that you don't even realize what's going on with Diggle's life." Diggle says, "Lydia." Oliver looks at Lydia confused and says, "What are you talking about?" Lydia says, "I'm talking about you keep bringing up Carly, but you're so involved with yourself that you don't even realize the look he gets every time you do." Oliver looks at Diggle and says, "What is she talking about?" Diggle says, "Me and Carly pulling the pin. It happened when you were gone. Truth is, it's been happening for a while now." Lydia looks at Diggle and says, "Being the vigilante's wingman was a strain. He needs to hear this." Diggle says, "This wasn't just about what we're doing, Oliver. This isn't just about you, man. I couldn't separate what's going on with me and Carly. And... what went on with my brother." Oliver says, "Deadshot." Diggle says, "He's still out there. My brother's killer. Still breathing. And I, uh, guess I couldn't hate him and love her at the same time. See? You are not the only one having trouble reconciling two sides of himself." Diggle then walks away, and Lydia also walks away shaking her head ignoring Oliver's call for her.

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