Chapter 13

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Lydia's at Queen Consolidated working on something, when she sees Walter in Oliver's office and she leaves her desk and walks up to Walter and says, "Walter, may I talk to you about something?" Walter says, "Of course

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Lydia's at Queen Consolidated working on something, when she sees Walter in Oliver's office and she leaves her desk and walks up to Walter and says, "Walter, may I talk to you about something?" Walter says, "Of course. What is it?" Lydia says, "It's about Tempest. Mrs. Queen's super sketchy offshore LLC you asked me to look into last year." Walter says, "I remember." Lydia and Walter move away from the door to the meeting room and Lydia says, "So, the thing is I left an embedded account alert on it, so we'd know if anyone every accessed it again. A few days ago, there was a wire transfer made from Tempest to a numbered account at Starling National Bank." Walter says, "Probably the campaign accountant shutting it down." Lydia says, "Or it could be something else. That's the money Mrs. Queen used to do some really bad things." Walter says, "I'll talk to Moira first thing. And thank you for bringing it to my attention." Lydia says, "Of course." Walter walks away and Lydia gets a text from her dad that Laurel's in the hospital. Later, Lydia walks into Laurel's hospital room to see her dad and her mom. Her mom looks at Lydia and says, "Sweetheart, I came as soon as I heard about Laurel." Dinah gives Lydia a hug and Lydia hugs her mother back, but only for Laurel's sake, because the last time she saw her mother it wasn't on good terms. Lydia looks at Laurel and says, "How are you feeling?" Laurel says, "I've been better." Lydia says, "I should've stayed last night and made sure you were okay." Laurel says, "It's fine." Quentin looks at Laurel and says, "Don't worry, baby. We're gonna get you all the help you need. There's a great rehab outside of Starling. They got a bed ready for you--" Laurel cuts her dad off and says, "Dad, I already told you. I didn't OD. I didn't take any pills last night. I swear." A nurse walks in and says, "Laurel... the doctor wants to check your eye." Lydia looks at the nurse and says, "What happened to her eye?" The nurse says, "Minor sub-conjunctival hemorrhaging. Probably from hitting her head when she lost consciousness. After the exam, we can discharge her." Lydia needs to go check something and she walks over to Laurel and softly says, "You feel better, okay?" Laurel softly says, "Okay." Lydia kisses Laurel's head and says, "I'll be back to check on you later." Laurel nods and Lydia leaves the room. Later, Lydia walks into the bunker to see Oliver and Diggle watching Sara do the salmon ladder and Diggle says, "She's been doing that like for an hour." Sara jumps down and grabs her shirt, and she looks at Lydia and says, "You saw Laurel. Is she gonna be, okay?" Lydia softly smiles and says, "You saved her life." Sara says, "Hey, thanks for calling me. And I never did ask you... how did you find me?" Lydia says, "I can hack into almost anything, finding where you were was pretty easy." Sara softly chuckles and she loses her smile and says, "I should get going." Sara walks past her, and Lydia turns around and says, "So, that's it? You're back in town for 24 hours and now, you're just gonna take off again?" Sara says, "The League of Assassins is still after me, LJ and staying in town would put our whole family at risk. I only came back because Laurel's in trouble." Lydia says, "She's still in trouble, Sara. Our entire family needs you. I need you." Sara looks away and sighs. Lydia's phone rings and it's her dad and she answers it and says, "Hey, dad." Her dad says, "Put her on." Lydia looks at Sara and she pulls the phone away from her ear and she looks at Sara and says, "He wants to talk to you." Sara shakes her head and Lydia hands her phone to Sara and Sara sighs and takes the phone. After the call, Sara walks out the bunker.

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