Chapter 4

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Lydia's at a fundraising auction at the Queen mansion trying to stall Isabel because Oliver's running late

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Lydia's at a fundraising auction at the Queen mansion trying to stall Isabel because Oliver's running late. Lydia says, "Mr. Queen's going to be late. He's extremely sorry. It couldn't be helped." Isabel says, "Where is he?" Lydia says, "He's running an errand. He just got a little held up. You know, tying up some loose ends. I'm actually in direct contact with him now. Let me check." Lydia walks away and presses her earpiece, and she is startled because she hears gunshots. Later, Oliver walks in and Lydia looks at Isabel and says, "He's here." Oliver looks at Isabel and says, "Sorry I'm late." Isabel says, "This party is to attract investors for your failing company. Being fashionably late might do well for the club circuit but it does not inspire confidence in Wall Street. Is that blood on your face?" Oliver says, "Hmm?" Lydia looks at Oliver's face to see some blood and she wipes it off and says, "You must have cut yourself." Oliver nods and says, "Yeah." Oliver and Lydia walk away, and Lydia looks at him and says, "What kept you? Was it our masked blonde that carries that giant staff to beat the sauce out of attackers?" Oliver says, "This time it was guns." Lydia says, "Guns?" Then Sebastian walks over hearing Lydia say guns and he says, "I was just talking about guns. What's your interest in guns, Mr. Queen?" Oliver says, "Never touch them myself." Sebastian says, "The gun epidemic in the Glades has gotten increasingly out of control." Oliver says, "Well, I'm sure the police are doing whatever they can to catch whoever's bringing the weapons into the city." Sebastian chuckles and Oliver says, "Did I say something funny?" Lydia says, "They know who's been arming the gangs, Oliver. The Mayor." Oliver says, "The... I thought the Hood copycats killed the mayor." Sebastian says, "Well, not the actual mayor. A local gang lord calls himself "The Mayor." Think he's the man to save our city." Lydia looks at Sebastian and says, "But that position has already been filled, hasn't it?" Sebastian chuckles and says, "Now, this mayor has only one goal, to create chaos so he can rule the Glades with the barrel of a gun." A few moments later, Lydia's in a corner drinking when Oliver walks up to her and he softly says, "Hey." Lydia sighs and says, "I already know what you're going to say. Am I okay? Not really. The dollmaker was just your garden variety traumatic experience. After the quake and Tommy, I should be used to that by now." Oliver says, "I've had a few of those. You never get used to them." Lydia then realizes something, and Oliver notices the look on her face and says, "What?" Lydia says, "I just realized something. What if our masked friend that keeps showing up everywhere you go, what if we've been going about this the wrong way? We thought she was obsessed with you. I mean, she showed up in the DA's office when you were there. And in the chemical plant the Dollmaker was holed up in. But who else was at both those places? What if our masked friend isn't following you?" Oliver says, "She's following you." Lydia says, "We just have to find out why." Oliver nods and says, "I have plan. I'm going to follow you the club and see if the masked woman follows you and then I'm going to confront her." Lydia nods and softly says, "Okay." Later, Lydia leaves the party and drives to the bunker, when she gets a text from Oliver saying, "She's following you." Lydia texts back, "Okay." Lydia parks her car and goes into the club and into the bunker. Later, Oliver walks into the bunker and tells Lydia and Diggle who the masked woman is, and Lydia can't believe it. Lydia softly says, "Sara's alive? You told everyone that she died when The Gambit went down that she drowned." Diggle says, "You lied." Oliver says, "When The Gambit capsized, uh... Sara was pulled under. It was so dark and cold. And I thought she drowned. About a year later, I saw her." Lydia softly scoffs and Diggle says, "You saw her where, on the island? She drifted to the island, too?" Oliver says, "Not exactly." Lydia has tears in her eyes and says, "Why didn't you tell me and my family that she didn't die in that boat? Me and my family blamed you." Oliver says, "Yeah, well, it was my fault. What happened was my fault." Diggle says, "Where's she been all these years?" Oliver says, "I don't know! Diggle, I swear to God. I was sure she was dead." Diggle says, "Alright, so just to make sure I understand this correctly after not drowning when The Gambit went down Sara didn't exactly make it to the island with you where you would see her die yet again. Feel free to fill in the blanks." Oliver says, "Not right now." Diggle says, "You mean not ever. Don't you, Oliver?" Lydia says, "Don't you think me, and my family had a right to know she made it to the island, too?" Oliver frustratedly says, "These were five years! Five years... where nothing good happened. And you and your family were better off not knowing." Diggle says, "Do they deserve to know now?" Oliver sighs and says, "I need to take care of some business at the office. Where are we with the Mayor?" Lydia wipes her tears and shakes her head at Oliver. Diggle says, "I'm in contact with some of my military sources. Trying to get a line on how he's getting his illegal army weaponry. I'll keep you updated. You know, Oliver, somebody once told me that... secrets have weight. The more you keep, the harder it is to keep moving." Oliver says, "You see how hard I work out." Diggle shakes his head at Oliver and Lydia can't believe Sara's been alive this whole time.

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