Chapter 8

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Lydia's at Queen Consolidated when Oliver walks in with his mom and Diggle

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Lydia's at Queen Consolidated when Oliver walks in with his mom and Diggle. Lydia smiles warmly and says, "Welcome back to the company, Moira." Moira smiles warmly at Lydia and says, "Thank you." Oliver and Moira walk away. Later, Lydia and Diggle walk into Oliver's office and Diggle says, "Oliver. There's been a break-in." Later, they go to the crime scene and Diggle says, "This door was made of expanded reinforced titanium. What did they use to do this?" Lance says, "Not sure yet. No sign of any explosives. Maybe a crane, maybe a forklift. We're guessing there was at least three of them, maybe four. Given how quick they got in and out of here, they were fast. Any idea what these guys were so hot to break in here for? Didn't happen to leave a square earthquake machine lying around, did ya? Sorry." Carl walks over and says, "This is what we're able to pull off the security cameras." They watch a video a guy who throws a guy across the room and then throws something at the security camera. Carl says, "The only guy we got on video. The rest of the crew must've come in after him." A voice says, "Actually, it was only one guy. Uh, sorry I'm late. Actually, my train was late. Well, the second one. The first one I did miss but that was my cab driver's fault. I've got this great traffic app, and... he thought that he was right. But, I'm here now, though, so." Lance says, "Great. Who the hell are you?" Oliver says, "And do your parents know that you're here?" The guy says, "I'm Barry Allen. I'm from the Central City Police Department. I'm with the crime scene investigation unit. We're working on a case some similar unexplained elements in Central City. So, when the report of your robbery came over the wire my captain sent me up here." Lance says, "And you think one guy ripped through this door like it was tin foil?" Barry nods and says, "One very strong guy, yeah. Uh, it takes about 1, 250-foot pounds of torque to break someone's neck. See the marks on the guard's neck?" Barry shows them on his tablet, and he continues to say, "The bruising pattern suggests the killer used only one hand. I'm guessing, you don't know how hard it is to break someone's neck." Oliver says, "Hmm? No, no idea." Carl says, "Uh, we're going to need a list of the entire inventory here to figure out exactly what was stolen." Barry says, "Actually, I think I know what was stolen. A centrifuge. An industrial centrifuge. Probably the Cord Enterprises 2BX-900. Maybe the six series. Both have a three-column base." They follow Barry over to where the centrifuge was stolen and Barry continues to say, "There, you can see the three sets of broken bolts where the thief just ripped it out of the ground." Lance says, "And what exactly is a centrifuge?" As Barry goes to say something, Lydia says, "It separates liquids. The centripetal acceleration causes denser substances to separate out along the radial direction." Barry says, "And lighter objects move to the top." Lydia looks at the guy and says, "What did you say your name was again?" Barry smiles says, "Barry. Allen." Lydia smiles and says, "Lydia. Lance." Oliver gives Barry a glare and Barry notices and his smile drops and says, "Um, you can see the cracks heading towards the door. Footsteps. One guy. Anyway, it's just a theory. One backed up by a lot of evidence." Lance says, "There has to be another explanation." Barry says, "Yeah. I'm sure you're right." Lance pulls Lydia away and says, "You might want to fill our mutual friend on this." Lydia says, "Don't worry. I'm sure he's already on it." Later, Lydia's at Queen Consolidated and walks into Oliver's office. Lydia has her tablet and says, "You've got to see this. I pulled up CC traffic camera footage from across the street of applied sciences. This is three minutes after the alarm went off." Lydia shows Oliver and Diggle the strong man lifting the centrifuge. Oliver looks up to see Barry walk in and he says, "Can we help you with something, detective?" Lydia and Diggle turn to see Barry and Barry says, "Oh, CSIs aren't actually detectives. We don't even carry guns. Just some plastic baggies." Barry chuckles and Lydia smiles adorably at him. Barry says, "Uh. Where should I set up my equipment?" Lydia says, "I'll show you." Oliver's confused and says, "What's going on?" Barry says, "Your assistant said that you preferred to keep the investigation in house, so I cleared it with my captain to give you a hand." Oliver nods and pulls Lydia to the side and Oliver softly says, "Uh, what are you doing?" Lydia says, "We need to find this intruder. And he seems to know more about it than any of us. Forensic science isn't exactly my forte, so... I'd say we need him... wouldn't you?" Oliver nods with a fake smile and Lydia turns away and looks at Barry with smile and says, "I'll show you around." Later, Lydia's in the workshop with Barry who set up his equipment. Lydia looks at Barry who's on his knees collecting a sample from the bottom part of the centrifuge and she says, "What exactly are you looking for?" Barry says, "Your thief's shoes touched the ground which means he tracked in dozens of clues as to where he's been the past few days. Got ya." Barry places it in a machine to analyze it. Barry says, "Shouldn't take long." Lydia nods and Barry says, "So, you've seen him, right? The vigilante? I read that he saved you couple of times. What was he like?" Lydia says, "He was... green." Barry says, "Green. That's interesting, right? I mean, why green? Black would be better for stealth and urban camouflage. Me, personally... I think that he trained in some sort of a forest or jungle environment, and the green is a nod to that." Lydia says, "I don't give the vigilante much thought." Barry says, "Police reports show that he uses carbon arrows but if he switched to an aluminum carbon composite, he would have far better penetration." Lydia says, "Maybe he thinks he penetrates just fine." Barry says, "Do you want to know something else? I think that he has partners. Definitely someone with a background in computer sciences." Lydia says, "Why are you so interested in the vigilante?" It takes a moment for Barry to answer, and he says, "When I was 11, my mom was murdered." Lydia softly says, "I'm so sorry." Barry says, "No. They never caught the guy who did it. Maybe he would've." The computer beeps and says, "The soil. There's a crystalline structure in it. That's weird." Lydia says, "What's weird?" Barry says, "It's sugar." Moments later, Oliver walks in with Diggle and Oliver says, "Found something?" Lydia says, "We found something." Barry says, "There were tracements of sucrose and a speck of dirt the killer dragged in here on his boot." Lydia says, "Which got me thinking. There's a sugar refinery two miles from here. The land around it is suffused in waste sugar. So, I checked. Their delivery truck was stolen a few days ago." Barry says, "Their truck matches the make and model of the truck the thief used to steal the centrifuge." Oliver says, "Can you track the vehicle?" Lydia says, "We've been trying." The computer beeps and Oliver says, "What was that?" Lydia looks at the screen and she says, "You're not gonna believe this. The truck. It was just used to rob a blood bank." Oliver says, "Are you sure?" Lydia says, "Yeah. Our guy made off with 30,000 ccs of 0-negative." Diggle says, "Wait super strength likes blood? Please, don't me we suddenly believe in vampires." Barry says, "We should get this information to the local police." Oliver says, "I'll take care of that. Did you say that you were working a similar case in Central City?" Barry says, "Oh, yeah, um... yeah, you know, it's similar. Has similar elements. A lot of similarities." Oliver says, "Right." Oliver walks away with Diggle. Later, Lydia's in the bunker helping Oliver patch his wound when he says, "Ow!" Lydia softly says, "Sorry." Lydia helps Oliver pull his jacket on and Oliver says, "Thank you. You were right to ask if I knew more than I was letting on. I've seen met with abilities like that before." Lydia says, "You have? Where?" Oliver says, "The island. My second year marooned there, we... I came across the remains of a Japanese World War II military project. It was serum designed to create human weapons." Diggle says, "Human weapons. My God, what's next, aliens?" Oliver says, "This is real, Diggle. Those five years that I was away I came across things that just... defy explanation. There's a doctor, his name is Ivo. And he came to the island... to test the serum on people. The ones that survived, their endurance reflexes and strength were all enhanced." Diggle says, "You think this Ivo's in Starling City?" Oliver says, "He's dead. And so is everyone that he injected with the serum. The last of which I burned." Diggle says, "You think someone found the recipe?" Oliver says, "The centrifuge and a large supply of blood. I think someone wants to make more of it. A more of it. There's a third component, a strong sedative." Oliver hands Lydia his bent arrow and Lydia says, "I think I preferred it when you left these in people. " Oliver says, "I need you to analyze the blood on the arrowhead. If we can figure out which sedative they're using--" Diggle cuts Oliver off and says, "We can figure out where the next robbery will be." Lydia says, "Barry and I will get right on it." Lydia walks away.

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