Chapter 21

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Diggle looks at Oliver who has his back turned and he says, "Oliver. Oliver, man, you, okay?" Oliver turns around and looks at Roy and he says, "The cure's not working." Lydia looks at Oliver and says, "We don't know that. He still has a lot of Tibetan pit viper venom in his system." They then hear an alarm and Diggle says, "What's that?" Lydia says, "Proximity alarm. I rigged the tower with sensors just in case Slade's men came here to kill us." Lydia looks at her table and she says, "Slade's men are here to kill us." Oliver says, "Talk to me, Lydia." Lydia says, "They're inside, they're right underneath us." They then hear grunting and Roy wakes up and says, "Where am I?" Lydia gasps when one of the soldiers burst through and Roy punches him and then the solider flips Roy. A solider grabs onto Lydia's foot and she says, "Dig!" Diggle shoots at the solider and the solider let's go of Lydia. Oliver shoots in arrow and he says, "Down the cable!" Everyone goes down the cable and Lydia grabs onto Oliver and they slide down together. They're on the ground and they look up to see a helicopter and it fires a missile making the building explode. They see that Lyla fired the missile. Later, Team Arrow walk into the damaged bunker and Lydia says, "Oh, my God." Roy says, "What the hell happened?" Diggle says, "Slade's army. You were right about this place being compromised." Oliver looks at Lyla who joined them earlier and he says, "Lyla, your boss is going to bomb the city at dawn." Diggle says, "Yeah, Waller's never seen a problem she didn't think couldn't be solved with a drone strike." Lyla says, "Why do you think I'm here?" Diggle looks at Lyla and says, "You knew Waller was looking to level the city and you came here anyway?" Lyla softly says, "You're here." Oliver says, "You need to go back to ARGUS. You need to stop Waller or buy us enough time to stop Slade." Diggle says, "Not without me. Till death do us part, right?" Lyla says, "This time it might." Oliver looks between Lydia and Roy, and he says, "Guys, I need you to scrounge as many weapons as you can find especially injection arrows. We're gonna fill them with the cure which clearly works. And this ends tonight, without killing. There's been enough death already." Later, as Lydia and Roy are injection the cure into the arrows. Roy says, "Well, it seems like I missed a lot." Lydia glances at Roy and says, "Well, what do you remember?" Roy says, "Leaving town and heading to Bludhaven. Was I out cold the whole time?" Lydia softly says, "No." Roy says, "Does it have to do with why you're at a safe distance from me?" Lydia sighs and Roy continues to say, "Did I do something to you?" Lydia says, "Let's just say you weren't yourself." Roy says, "Lydia, what did I do?" Lydia sighs and says, "You bruised me. It's like you were a completely different person." Roy softly says, "I'm sorry." Lydia says, "Like, I said you weren't yourself. So, I don't blame you." Roy nods. Diggle says, "Slade has at least 50 or so of those human weapons. We'll need a whole army if we plan on hitting them with a cure." Sara appears and says, "I know." Sara's not alone and she brought and Nyssa and several League of Assassins. Nyssa says, "Which is why an army is what I've brought." Lydia walks over and says, "Sara, you could've called before you invited... five, six, seven assassins down into our top-secret lair." Oliver says, "What is she doing here?" Sara says, "I asked her to come." Nyssa looks at Lydia and says, "Hello again, Lydia." Lydia fake smiles and says, "Nyssa." Nyssa says, "You may not want my help, Mr. Queen... but there's little question you are in desperate need of it." Sara says, "First we need to find Slade's base of operations." Nyssa says, "Slade Wilson and Isabel Rochev are using your former office building as their base of operations." Oliver walks over to Roy. Oliver then looks at Nyssa and he says, "We do this my way." Nyssa says, "The league doesn't take prisoners." Oliver says, "It does tonight." Later, Lydia is with her dad because she just found out that Slade Wilson took Laurel. They're walking the halls of Queen Consolidated and her dad says, "Why does this Wilson guy got such a mad-on for the Queens?" Lydia says, "I don't know. It's good thing Thea and Oliver got out in time." Her dad says, "So, they have to go after our family?" They walk into Oliver's old office and her dad has his gun pointed at Nyssa and he says, "What's she doing here?" Sara walks over to him, and she says, "She's here to help. Just trust me, please." Quentin puts his gun away and he says, "I guess today I'll have to work with anybody who can help get my daughter back." Sara says, "What?" Quentin says, "One of these masked guys they took Laurel. I-I-I couldn't stop them. Believe me, I... I tried." Lydia's looking down at her tablet and says, "Uh, we have a new, big problem. Which, considering our other problems is really saying something. I hacked a satellite and tasked it for thermographic imaging. All of Slade's men are gathering at the Giordano Tunnel." Quentin looks at Lydia and says, "I thought these guys were trying to destroy the city, not escape it." Arrow says, "ARGUS is gonna level the city to stop them from getting out. That's what Slade's planning on. He knows Waller's tactics." Nyssa says, "Fortunately, with Slade's men attempting to leave via tunnel all our targets will be grouped in a single place." Arrow says, "We need to take it. Gather your men." Quentin says, "What about Laurel? Wilson took her for a reason." Arrow says, "I know what it is. But the city comes first." Quentin says, "This is my daughter." Quentin looks between Sara and Lydia, and he continues to say, "This is you guy's sister! You can't just leave her like this! Look... I know you said you were trying another way and I respect that. But Slade Wilson, his men they're monsters! And monsters, they need to be destroyed. You've killed before. Tonight, I suggest you get back in the habit." Quentin walks away. Lydia walks up to Oliver, and she says, "He's wrong." Oliver says, "He's right. I've lost everything because I'm fighting Slade Wilson with one hand tied behind my back. The man murdered my mother. I have to kill him." Lydia says, "You told me you had a choice. That years ago, you could've cured Slade, but you chose to kill him instead. This isn't happening because you're not willing to be a killer it's happening because you were one." Oliver says, "You're right. That's how this started. It's how it has to end. The only move that he has left for me is to kill him. I can't cure him; I can't capture him. I can't even out- think him!" Lydia says, "Then don't. Don't... Just make him out-think you." Later, Lydia and Oliver walk into Queen Mansion and Lydia says, "Oliver, what are we doing here? The whole city's falling apart." Oliver softly says, "I know. You need to stay here." Lydia says, "What? Why? You can't just ask me--" Oliver cuts her off and says, "I'm not asking. I will come and get you when this is all over." As Oliver goes to walk away, Lydia says, "No!" Oliver stops and looks at Lydia and says, "Lydia..." Lydia walks up to Oliver and says, "No! Not unless you tell me why." Oliver says, "'Cause I need you to be safe." Lydia says, "Well, I don't wanna be safe. I wanna be with you. And the others, unsafe!" Oliver says, "I can't let that happen." Lydia softly says, "Why?" Oliver softly says, "You know why?" Lydia's confused and Oliver says, "I'm not letting Slade take the woman I love. Do you understand?" Lydia nods and softly says, "Yes." Oliver kisses Lydia's head and he walks away. Later, Lydia's taken by Slade, and he has a blade up to her neck and he's looking at Oliver and says, "Drop the bow, kid. Do it." Oliver lowers his bow, and he lays it on the ground. Then a solider comes in with Laurel in his arms. Slade says, "I only took Laurel to get under Sara's skin, but then I realize why don't I make you choose between the two Lance sisters. Then Sara would hate you forever and that will serve my purpose of causing you pain the same pain you did to me." Slade drops Lydia and she feels the blade on her neck. Slade says, "So... when her body lies at your feet... her blood wet against your skin... then you will know how I feel!" Oliver says, "I already know how you feel. I know what it's like to hate. To want revenge. And know I know how it feels to see my enemy so distracted he doesn't see the real danger is right in front of him." Lydia stands up and she stabs the cure into Slade's neck and backs away. Earlier back at the mansion, Oliver had a plan to use Lydia as bait because he knew that Slade was watching them through the cameras that Slade set around his house. Oliver handed Lydia the cure and once Slade captured her, she would find the perfect time to use it on him. Slade says, "Kill her!" The solider holding Laurel goes down, because Sara shot him, and Laurel punches him. Oliver looks at Sara and says, "Get them out of here!" The Lance sisters run away. Later, Lydia's with Laurel and their dad at the docks because Sara's leaving. Sara says, "It's time." Quentin looks at Sara and says, "Why-why are they making you do this?" Quentin looks at Nyssa and continues to say, "Why are you making her do this, huh? Why?" Sara says, "Dad, she's not making me do anything. I chose this." Quentin says, "What am I going to tell your mother?" Sara says, "Tell her for the first time in my life I'm deciding my own fate. She'll understand that." Quentin says, "Yeah." Quentin hugs Sara and he says, "I love you, sweetheart." Sara says, "I love you too, dad." Nyssa says, "I know the power of a father's love and I would die before I let anything happen to your daughter." Quentin says, "Well, here's hoping." Quentin walks away. Sara looks between her sisters and Laurel says, "So, where you're going... will you be able to email or call?" Sara says, "I'll see you guys again." Lydia says, "I know. If there's anything that I've learned this year, it's that you always find your way home. And we'll always be here waiting." Sara says, "I love you, guys." The three sisters group hug and Laurel says, "We love you, too." They pull away and Sara takes off her black jacket and she holds it out to Laurel and says, "Here... I think that this would look good on you." Laurel smiles and puts on the jacket, and she says, "It fits." Sara kisses both her sister's cheeks and Sara looks at Lydia and says, "Try to stay out of trouble, LJ." Lydia says, "The same goes to you, Sar-bear." Sara smiles and Quentin walks over to his daughter's, and he puts both arms around Lydia and Laurel. Sara says, "Bye, dad." Quentin says, "Bye, sweetheart." They watch Sara walk away and she smiles one last time at them before leaving on the boat. Quentin looks down at Laurel and says, "About that jacket... don't get any ideas." Laurel laughs. Quentin releases his daughters and says, "I'm gonna order some dinner for us." Laurel says, "Okay." Lydia locks arms with Laurel and they start walking after their dad but keep a safe distance. Lydia says, "Just FYI, I think you'd be pretty badass if you did take Sara's place." Laurel smiles and says, "Really?" Lydia nods and says, "Yeah. You know being a hero, runs in the family." Laurel smiles and says, "The Canary's already taken." Lydia says, "Well, if you do end up taking Sara's place, even though dad might kill you." Laurel chuckles and Lydia continues to say, "You could be called the Black Canary." Laurel smiles and says, "It does have a nice ring to it." Lydia nods and softly says, "Yeah, it does." Quentin looks back to see his daughters smiling and laughing together and then he feels pain in his chest, and he groans. Lydia's the first to notice and she says, "Dad?" Quentin then falls to his knees and Lydia and Laurel rush over to their dad and they both yell, "Dad!" Quentin then coughs up blood and Lydia cries, "Oh, my God! Dad!" Quentin falls to the ground, and he struggles to gasp a breath and he says, "I can't... my breath! I can't..." Laurel opens his shirt to see it pretty bruised up from when he was tossed around by the solider and she says, "Dad, stay with us. Daddy, daddy, stay with us." Lydia calls 911 and she cries, "Hello? I need an ambulance. My father's SCPD. Please, hurry!"

Note: Well, that's a wrap on season 2. I hope you enjoyed reading and I can't wait for you guys to read season 3. 

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