Chapter 20

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Lydia gets into the driver seat of the van, and she drives where Diggle is she sees Isabel all suited up about to kill Diggle and she drives the van into Isabel. Diggle gets in and he groans, "Thanks for the help. Any word from Oliver?" Lydia sees Isabel get back up and she says, "Dig? What do you think, hit her again?" Diggle says, "Go, go, go!" Lydia backs up and she drives away. Later, Lydia pulls up alongside of Oliver and Laurel and her and Diggle get out. Lydia looks at Lydia worriedly and says, "You, okay?" Laurel says, "Yeah." Oliver says, "You?" Lydia says, "Isabel attacked Dig so I hit her with the van." Oliver says, "Slade's army. He has at least 50 men out there all like him." Diggle says, "They're everywhere." Oliver says, "We need to stop them." Lydia says, "We might have a way. STAR Labs called. They have a cure. There's a courier en route." Oliver says, "Where is it?" Lydia calls the courier, and the man says, "Hello?" Lydia says, "Hey, it's Lydia Lance. Where are you?" The man says, "Fourth street, I think. I don't know what happened. A guy in a hockey mask came out of nowhere and attacked my car. Please help me." Oliver says, "Stay where you are." The man says, "I can't move even if I wanted to. I think my leg's broken." Lydia looks at Laurel and says, "Get to the precinct." Laurel nods and says, "Be safe out there." Lydia nods and Lydia, Oliver and Diggle get into the van. The man says, "Hey! You still there?" Lydia says, "Yeah, I'm here. I pinged your phone. We're on our way." The man says, "Please hurry." As their driving towards the city, Lydia says, "In the last five minutes, SCPD has had over 200 reports of mask men attacking the city." Diggle says, "Any word from Thea? Is she safe?" Oliver says, "She decided to leave Starling before the attacks started." Lydia looks at her tablet and says, "Just under two miles to the bridge. And the courier." Lydia's phone rings and she looks at Oliver and says, "It's for you." Oliver answers the phone with his voice modulator and says, "What is it, detective?" Quentin says, "How can we help?" Oliver says, "We?" Quentin says, "Starling City police force is standing with you on this one." Oliver says, "We need help containing the soldiers. We're working on something that may stop them, but we need more time." Quentin says, "We can do that. Whatever you're doing, good luck. For all our sakes." Oliver hangs up and Lydia says, "This is the only street that feeds into the bridge." Diggle turns down a road and there are Mirakuru soldiers and Oliver says, "Floor it!" Then one of the Mirakuru soldiers pushes a car in front of them and Diggle says, "Hold on!" The van flips over and Lydia hits her head knocking her out. Later, Lydia's awake and she sees there in the clock tower, and she got a text from Cisco, and she says, "I just got a text from Cisco at STAR Labs. The cure they sent us was all they had. And they used all the Mirakuru that we gave them so they can't make more." Oliver says, "We can't stop Slade's men without the cure." Diggle says, "We'll find another way." Oliver says, "There is no other way! The foundry's been compromised, we need to get Roy out of there." Diggle nods and says, "I'm on it." Diggle walks away. Oliver says, "I didn't know, Lydia. Five years ago, I was a completely different person. And I had... no idea that something like this was even... possible. I couldn't... have imagined. When you and Diggle... brought me back to Starling City, I made a vow to myself, that I would never let anything like the Undertaking happen again." Lydia says, "What's happening now is not your fault." Oliver says, "Yes, it is. I have failed this city. Yao Fei. Shado. Tommy. My father, my mother. All that I have ever wanted to do... is honor those people." Lydia says, "You honor the dead by fighting. And you are not done fighting! Malcolm Merlyn, the Count, the Clock King, the Triad. Everyone who is trying to hurt this city, you stopped them. And you will stop Slade." Oliver says, "I don't know how." Lydia says, "Neither do I. But I do know two things. You are not alone. And I believe in you." Lydia wraps her arms around Oliver's neck and Oliver hugs Lydia back. Later, Oliver's phone rings and Lydia says, "Oliver. This is your phone." Lydia hands Oliver his phone and it's Sebastian Blood." Oliver resultantly answers and says, "What do you want?" Sebastian says, "Same thing you do, Oliver. To save this city before it's too late." Oliver says, "It's already too late." Sebastian says, "You were right about Slade Wilson. I should have listened to you. But I'm here now and I can help you." OIiver says, "Why should I trust you?" Sebastian says, "Because, Oliver, I have the Mirakuru cure." Later, Diggle has Roy, and he lays him down. Oliver says, "How much venom do we have to keep him under?" Diggle says, "Two hours, maybe." Oliver says, "Let's go." Oliver looks at Lydia and softly says, "Hey. I need you to stay with Roy." Lydia softly says, "Okay. Oliver, John, um, maybe this is obvious but are we sure this isn't a trap?" Oliver says, "No." Lydia says, "Just saying, if you guys don't come back alive, I'm going to be really pissed." Oliver and Diggle both chuckle and they leave to get the Mirakuru cure from Sebastian. Later, Oliver and Diggle are back with the cure and Lydia opens the case. Diggle says, "Alright, so if we inject one of Slade's soldiers with this--" Lydia cuts Diggle off and says, "According to STAR Labs, it will counteract the effects." Diggle says, "Assuming they got the recipe right." Oliver grabs the case, grabs a vile of the cure, and says, "We need to test it." Lydia says, "We can't. Treat Roy like some kind of lab rat?" Oliver says, "Lydia." Lydia says, "What if it doesn't work? What if it kills him? Or worse what if he wakes up and he kills us?" Oliver says, "We need to know! One way or the other." Oliver gets the needle ready, and he leans over Roy and says, "I'm sorry." As Oliver goes to do it, Oliver says, "I can't." Oliver puts the needle down and Lydia's phone rings and she says, "It's my dad." Lydia answers and she says, "Dad." Her dad says, "You near him?" Lydia says, "Yes." Her dad says, "You near a tv." Lydia says, "Yes." Her dad says, "Turn it on." Lydia turns on her tablet and the news talks about how the military arrives in Starling City. They're not military, it's ARGUS. Oliver injects Roy with the cure. 

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