CH 3

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Miles's POV

After 15 minutes of fighting we defeated the bad guys as a pBrainStorm ties them up so I teleport to the prison to drop them off and back to the group.

Captain: Another job well done.

I teleport the team back to the Man's Nest and when we got there Schwoz & Chapa are sitting on the couch eating and watching Dog juge.

Mika: Morning, Chapa.

Chapa: Hey guys. How was the fight.

Miles: It woke me up a bit.

Bose sits next to Chapa then Ray told us to go downstairs so we can learn but he's not a good teacher but he's trying.

After an hour has past and I'm board out of my mind as Mika gives Ray her full attention and Bose is listening but is having a hard time then I look over at Chapa with her head down so I throw a small paper ball to get her attention.

Miles: You good?

I whispered so Ray doesn't hears me and she did the same.

Chapa: I'm fine.

Then I look forward to Ray as he talks about saving the day with kid danger but we know that Henry did most of the work.

Bose's POV

The day is over and I can take Chapa to the park so we can watch the sun set.

Bose: Hey, Chaps.

Chapa: Wha?

Bose: Do you want to go to the park with me?

Chapa: Sure.

We head out while holding hands then after 10 minutes of walking we arrived and walk up a hill and sit on top as the sun slowly goes down.

I look over to see Chapa as a single tear runs down her cheek but she let's it flow then I grab and pull her on my lap as she rested her head on my chest.

We stay there for a while until it started to get chilly but since Chapa was asleep I carried her on my back like a piggy back ride then walk back to the academy.

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