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Chapa's POV

I feel very dizzy and my energy is gone as I slowly opened my eyes everything is so blurry that I can't see nothing at all then I felt something on my mouth which is tape but when my vision soon cleared up I saw Chuck, Raven & my father.

Father: Glad your awake.

Raven: Shall we has fun with her?

Chuck: Like the good ol days.

Father: We will but. I want her to myself first.

Raven & Chuck left the room as he picks me up from the floor and pins me to the with one hand then he puts chains on my wrists with his other hand but I'm too weak to fight him then he let me go so I'm now hanging from the celling.

I try saying something but it was muffled from the tape on my mouth so he rips it off and grabs another piece of tape to put on me when I'm done talking.

Chapa: Why are... Y-You doing... T-This to... M-Me?

Father: Because honey.

He got close to my ear.

Father: Your a pathetic daughter & doesn't deserves any love. Even your mother hated you. Why do you think she left you? She left us.

Chapa: No... She loved us.. Your a liar!

He put the tape on my mouth then he walks away to grab a wip and hits me many times until my clothes were rip and blood dripping down my body.

Father: Your a mistake! No one will never love you! Your the reason she's gone!

After 10 minutes of getting beaten his friends came back with a big box of weapons and there ready to beat the hell out of me.

Father: She's all yours. Have fun with her.

Raven: Oh we will.

Chuck: Definitely.

Then before they could start I black out and went completely numb.

3 Weeks Later

Bose's POV

I'm pacing around the Man's Nest praying to god that she's ok and alive but Mika is trying to calm me down but I couldn't then I see Schwoz working on the computer trying to find out where Chapa could be.

AWOL is teleporting around Swellview with Captain Man asking people if they seen Smith and his friends.

Mika: Anything, Schwoz?

Schwoz: Nope. I can't get a trace of her or Smith.

Bose: Keep trying, Schwoz. Chapa is in danger.

AWOL & Captain Man came back.

Captain: Nobody saw nothing.

AWOL: It's another dead end.

3 Hours goes by like the wind and Schwoz finally got something.

Schwoz: I got something! Watch this.

Then Schwoz got a camera on the screen from the alleyway and saw a sad Chapa but she was about to turn back to when someone grab her then the two men pins her to the wall as Smith drugs her and got in the van.

Captain: Can you get the license plate on that van, Schwoz?

Schwoz: Im working on it right now but it'll take awhile.

Captain: In the mean time. You kids go home and get some rest. I'll call one of you when we get something.

AWOL transforms back to Miles and Mika decided I should spend the night with them like a sleep over which I agreed and Miles teleports us to Mika's room.

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