CH 12

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Miles's POV

I'm sitting in my chair on my phone when Mika came back down.

Miles: Is she coming?

Mika: She just needs a few minutes.

I nod then Ray comes in through the closet door and the red & blue empty chairs.

Ray: Where's my daughter and Bose?

Mika: Your daughter is still in her room.

Miles: Bose is on a family vacation in the Bahamas for a month.

Ray: Lucky boy.

Before Ray could start Chapa comes down the stairs and sits in her chair looking tired then Ray starts a lesson but I didn't pay attention because he started talking about his childhood then a emergency alert went off and we headed up.

When we got up Schwoz is on the computer trying to see what it is.

Mika: What's the emergency!?

Schwoz: I don't know! I've been trying to get in for the past 30 seconds.

Miles: Do you know the location?

Schwoz: It's at... The prison.

Ray: Then let's get going.

We chew & blow to transform then left.

At The Prison

When we arrive there were two men helping Smith escape.

Captain: Put him back!

Man1: Make us old man.

Captain Man was so furious as he ran towards the man that called him old start fighting but the other man saw the three of us and we fought him but Volt was doing nothing.

Chapa's POV

My back is agents the wall as I see that Captain Man, ShoutOut & AWOL are fighting while I'm standing here like a coward as my abusive Father looks & comes closer to me then he removed the mask from his face.

Father: If you don't want people to know who you are... You'll let me go.

He knows that I'm Volt for 3 years.

Volt: What If... I don't?

He pulls out a pocket knife that one of his friends probably gave him and the cold blade touch my neck.

Father: Wanna find out dear?

I quickly shake my head as he moves the blade away from my neck.

Father: That's a good girl.. I'll see you soon.

He kiss my cheek and they ran off as I fall on the ground thinking that there all gonna hate me.


CM: Volt! Why didn't you do anything!?

AWOL: You let them all go?!

Volt: He... He knows!!!

There were very confused while I'm freaking out and heavily breathing then I felt Mika's hands on my knees.

SO: Who know?

Volt: H-He knows... W-Who... Volt is.

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