CH 14

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2 Months Later

Bose's POV

I got back to Swellview a month ago as Mika told me everything and Chapa's door is still locked but she refuges to let anyone in especially me so I walk towards her door and knock.

Bose: hun? You still there?

It was just silents so I decided to use my telekinesis to unlock the door from the other side and once I got it to unlock I slowly opened the door.

When I saw her room I was shock on how mess it is.

Clothes on the floor, a broken lamp, some broken glass with dry blood, drawers on the floor, rip paper, & her room is completely dark with the curtains closed.

I see her curled up in the corner of the room so I sit across from her and she's repeating "He's Coming" quietly over and over again.

I'm extremely worried but it looks like she hasn't eaten in days or weeks because I can kinda see her bones and fresh cuts on her arms.

Bose: Chapa?

She look at me but quickly looks away so I got closer and rub her back but while I was doing it I felt her spine & a bit of her ribs.

Bose: it's gonna be ok. He won't come for you.

I pull her on my lap to get her to relax then she started to fall asleep so I cared her to the bed and cuddle with my sleeping girlfriend.

Chapa's POV

I've lock myself in my room for what feels like 2 months.

I'm cold, tired & so hungry that I haven't eaten since I lock myself in my room but if I leave or sleep he might find me.

I'm going insane that sometimes I would randomly laugh, cry, get so angry that I trash my room and become very scared.

I refused to leave my room but I also miss having someone with me like Bose and I don't know when he's coming home but I would always hear knocks & voices.


Chapa: I... Believe voices.

As the voices in my head keeps going & I believe everything it's saying and give in to darkness then I heard a knock and the voices stop.

Bose: Chapa?

I didn't move at all then I heard my door open and footsteps coming to me then I saw him but quickly looked away.

Bose: It's gonna be ok. He won't come for you.

He pulls me on his lap and hugs me as his arms warms me up a bit but I didn't do nothing except looking at the wall then he plays with my hair which made me relax and for the first time in months I slowly started to fall asleep.

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