The research

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It's been 3 years since Izuku started working with his mother at Star labs, the first thing he did once he had his new goal in sights was to drop out of that hell hole known as school. At first Inko wasn't on board but after learning about how they have been treating him she agreed. The team got used to having the small greenie around pretty quickly and they have been teaching him in their spare time. Izuku absorbed all the knowledge like a sponge in water.

He even made some major contributions to their research as he found a way to split the quirk energy as its called now. By 13 he was an official member of the team and he found that quirk energy is made up of 3 different energies. The team was able to find out that the energies were time, space and reality. This discovery changed many things for the team as it was step closer to creating the ultimate super humans, creating beings that can rival All might himself.

"The possibilities of controlling time, bending reality and warping through space we could become gods!!!!" screamed Dr Takano. "Calm down crazy, we don't even know if we can harness such energy yet" the voice of reason for the team Prof. Yagi. "The discovery of these forces of existence itself could spell out the end of the world as we know it if we are not careful" Dr Inko said as she studied the her sons research reports. The team discussed the little green beans report as he was in the other room who was in the middle of a video call with Nana.

"So you are basically telling me that you will be able to create or improve quirks within a few years due to a recent discovery? Are you messing with me right now?" Nana said with a suspicious look on her face. "I'm telling you that the possibilities of us becoming heroes together is increasing each day" Izuku said with a tired smile on his face. " The research shows that the dark matter that exists around as can be split into simpler flows of energy that we have yet to learn how to harness so once we figure out that part, we could create heroes that can possibly take on prime All might. Moving on from that how has your training been going?" Izuku asked with little energy as he recently pulled an all nighter. " I recently hit Mach 5 so I'm about half way to reaching prime All might and that's saying something" Nana said with a proud smile on her face. "See ya Nana imma go to bed" Izuku ended the call and went to catch up on some much needed sleep.

Nana has been training her butt of to be able to inherit one for all and push her speed to the next level. She has yet to accept the quirk as she feels she hasn't reached the limit of her quirk but recently progress has been rather slow so the time is quickly approaching for her to inherit the quirk to become the symbol of peace.

As Izuku was asleep the team decided to run a few tests and experiments with one of the newly discovered energies namely Reality energy. The team quickly realized that this energy can be further broken down into physical and mental forces. This told them that this aspect of the energy is responsible for quirks that affect the mind and body giving people super human strength, the ability to create fire among many bizarre abilities while the mental force gives people the ability to manipulate the matter and elements around them, reading thoughts, boosting intelligence or any other mental ability they could think of.

Izuku woke up and decided to get back to work, at first he thought abilities relating to reality could get him closer to all might level. The thought of controlling lightning, having telekinetic abilities like his mother excited him the most. The longer he thought about it the more confused he was because his hidden research told him that he can imprint this energy into his blank quirk genes but he only had one chance. That chance was not without risk because 1 miscalculation will lead to his death. He was so focused on reality but then something inside of told him that if he was able to harness time energy without any drawbacks he would be unstoppable, the thought of moving faster than time reaching people before villains did, reversing the time on injuries to heal people the possibilities of this one energy form were boundless. This steeled him as he would find a way to harness this energy form.

My notes: I did a lot of research and found many different answers on how fast and strong prime all might is and some of 'em are outrageous. Some say the man could move at Mach 1000 and that's just crazy while others say Mach 10 so I went with that.

This was more of a filler episode to introduce how the dark matter energy works to make introducing the speed force much easier which is gonna happen in the next chapter.

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