Birth of the red speedster

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Doing a double chapter well kind of, before I get back to school work and stuff. Finished my assignment quicker than I thought so I was like maybe I can release a chapter real quick about the aftermath of the explosion at star labs.

It's been 2 weeks since the explosion and Izuku just woke up with a massive headache from what he just saw and a head injury he got but was brought out of his daze when he realized his legs aren't responding to his command. He panics for a minute but quickly gains his baring. "5 years of hard work to become a hero and this is how it all ends?" Izuku asked himself as all hope was lost, he was already considered a cripple because he didn't have a quirk but now he was literally a cripple without the function of his legs. Negative emotions quickly took over as he realized working with the government wasn't gonna end well. He should have listened to his gut feeling when he felt something wrong a year ago when one of the government scientists tried to steal their work but ended up dead from it. As his thoughts went deeper on how the Hero commission screwed him over, his emerald eyes started to adopt a red hue with little sparks of red lightning appearing but it was brought to an abrupt end when the hospital door was opened and Izuku saw a nurse. "You are awake? The doctor expected you to take at least a month before you regained consciousness but here you are. Please wait while I get Dr. Hideharu" the nurse said as she left.

The doctor shortly arrived and looked shocked at how calm Izuku was about surviving a near-death experience at the expense of his legs. "Prof. Midoriya, it pleases me to see you making a speedy recovery but it also great displeasure to inform you that of all the scientists present at the lab during the accident died, only you survived and that unfortunately includes your mother." The doctor said with a sad expression on his face. Izuku on the other hand had no emotion on his face as he heard the news of his mother and team. "Thank you for telling me doctor, when will I be able to go home?" Izuku asked again with a voice void of emotion which scared the doctor as he felt the atmosphere change with Izuku'

s voice, the doctor got a hold of himself and answered "well if we include therapy both physical and mental, you could be here for about 2 months or so" " I don't need nor want therapy so how long till I leave this place?" Izuku asked again. " A few tests we have to run on you first but no more than 2 weeks depending on the results plus I have to inform the detective that you woke up" "Thank you doctor" Izuku responded as he laid down and closed his eyes. The doctor saw this and left him to digest this information.

After Izuku went through with all the tests, he was cleared to leave. It had been a few days after he woke up and he was up having lunch when the door slowly opened revealing Dr. Yagi who had visited him during these days but she wasn't alone this time. A man with black hair and a detective's coat walked in he introduced himself as detective Naomasa as he was there to ask about the accident that happened more than 2 weeks ago. "You might not believe me but that was no accident I tell you, once the government got what they wanted it was only a matter of time before they dispose of those who are seen as threats, I'm surprised Miss Yagi is still alive, to be honest and I fully expect them, to finish me off as soon as I leave so why not just get it over with." These words shocked both Yagi and Naomasa as his quirk didn't go off meaning all that he said was no lie. "Prof. Izuku do you have any kind of proof to support these claims because we have gone through most of the lab remains and maybe you stashed something away that we could use to build a case," the detective asked as he knew how the government acted, he wasn't proud of it but he couldn't do much himself legally that is. "Unfortunately I don't detective, well I think I  don't unless my computer survived which I highly doubt," Izuku said looking straight at the detective. The detective left after asking Izuku a few questions and Dr. Yagi stayed to comfort the young teen. "Izuku, if you would like you could move in with me. Nana also said she's moving back here to complete high school before going to UA university, I know you also wanted to be a hero but maybe you could be a teacher there or a quirk trainer. I've seen your notes and they are pretty impressive." The broken bean smiled as he thanked his second mother for the offer and kind words but ultimately chose to live alone but will think about being a quirk trainer.

Izuku was finally home in his wheelchair as he wheeled himself to his desk to start his video call with Nana. "Hey Nana, it's been a while, about a month if I'm correct. So how are you handling superhuman strength? Are you lifting buildings already or going toe to toe with giant bears?" Izuku said with a little chuckle at his friend's new power. "Hey Zuzu, I heard about your mom and her team, I'm sorry about that. I wanted to be heroes together but I'll work twice as hard to make sure I'm a hero for the both of us since..... you know, you can't walk and stuff" Nana said with a little tear rolling down her cheek as Inko was also like a mom to her when she was still in Japan. "Yeah, I'm still tryna get used to it but make sure you train hard to become number 1 hero. I'm also starting a course on quirk training and analysis maybe we can still be together at UA" Izuku said with a small smile forming on his face. "This means we have much to discuss because something happened to the quirk, It boosted my speed to unbelievable amounts because I went from struggling to reach Mach 6 to easily reaching Mach 7 with about 8% of my full power and my punch force is about 250Ns without the speed enhancement," Nana said with a bright smile on her face. They talked for about 2 hours before they ended the call.

Izuku wanted to watch tv and relax but had the sudden urge to eat a lot of food for no reason, he paid no heed to it and just went to the kitchen prepared his food, and went back to the tv room only to realize he forgot his drink. He wheeled himself back to the kitchen and saw the glass cup with a picture of his mom about to fall, he reached his hand out wanting to catch the cup but knew he was too far he suddenly appeared next to the cup holding it while standing on his 2 feet. He was relieved but soon realized he was standing not only that he loved at superhuman speeds and with red lightning surrounding his body. He was so happy he could walk and wanted to tell Nana immediately but remembered how the government was responsible for all of this and how the citizens blame his team for the loss of their friends and families. Izuku's eyes suddenly turned bright red as a smile crept on his face. His negative speed force was feeding him with all the negative thoughts and emotions it could find t fuel his dark side.

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