The tachyon device part 1

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I'm back again, had a few problems here and there but nothing too major so time for another chapter.

Starting when Nana was taken to the medical ward after overusing her quirk, Recovery girl made sure to heal her wounds as best as possible but All might was still worried as the backlash for one for all has never been this serious before, even for him. Nana's muscles were stretched beyond their limits as they had to contain large amounts of energy from her quirk. Izuku was also with Nana at the medical ward as he was also worried about her and to get a blood sample from her since he noticed that Nana was recovering faster than what Recovery Girls quirk could. He theorized that Nana's quirk upgrade gave her increased recovery speeds, this would also explain how he survived a near-fatal blast on the day of the 'accident' and how his spine still functions properly. After finding out she will be out for a while Izuku decides to leave her with All might and head home. He got a ride from her mother and bids her farewell as he wheels himself inside his house. As soon as he enters he gets up from his chair and heads to the computer room to check what happened while he was gone. He noticed that the barrier he set up around his house was damaged in certain areas and saw that there were people who tried to enter his place. He also noticed fragments of spatial energy meaning someone with such a quirk tried to enter but fail to do so.

He also noticed that other people tried to vandalize his house as it shows camera footage of the people trying to do so. "These must be the people that blame my team for the explosion and the news channels are not helping by pointing the finger at us," Izuku said in a calm tone as his eyes went from jade green to deep red as he went placed Nana's blood sample in a device he built to help calculate how much time energy she has in her system compared to him. Izuku left the machine to work as he wore his training clothes and got on a specially designed treadmill. He also had a special respirator to help regulate breathing and maximize the usage of his stamina. He started slow but slowly increased his speed as streaks of red lightning started to appear, the screen in Infront of him showing his speed and brain activity as she continues to increase his speed. Within a minute of starting he was already at Mach 2 and slowly building his speed. Izuku knew that if he wanted to take down the government he will one day need to face All might or worse Nana. He knew that All might official top speed is Mach 10 but Izuku isn't just a normal All might fan so he dived deep into that abyss known as the dark web and found All might's battle with the immortal demon king All for one. After much calculation, he found out that All Might was going at speeds nearing Mach 16.2 meaning that he used his original quirk on one for all to boost himself even further than he already was. All might's original quirk 'Plus ultra' allowed him to enhance his physical stats by an unknown factor since Izuku wasn't able to find enough footage to conclude but he knew when he suddenly came back after years of remote training he was able to move at blinding speeds.

Izuku was so deep into his thoughts that he almost missed the beeping that came from the quirk energy detector. He stopped and walked over to it and read the report given by the detector. " Nana's blood produces more tachyons than mine almost 3 times as much but this would mean she should be able to reach Mach 12 easily, I'll have to finish this quickly then," Izuku said as he looked at a half-built tachyon enhancement device. Izuku knew that his negative speed force absorbs time energy in the form of tachyons so enhancing it should theoretically make him faster. He tried to absorb it directly like he originally planned to but the sheer power produces from the raw energy was too much for him to handle. If not for his negative speed force he would have died. His force dispelled the energy before it could do damage to him. He was able to find a way to absorb it through a large machine he implanted in his wheelchair but it can only give him little amounts of tachyons at a time so he had to find way to make the machine smaller while outputting more energy hence why he was building the tachyon device. Izuku decided to put this aside as he went to a sketch of the yellow suit with a red lightning sign on the chest, this would be his 'work' suit when he begins. He designed this suit to be easy to put on but quick to discard even with super speed, originally it didn't have a  top or hood (refer to CW kid flash suit along with the symbol), along with the lightning sign but later chosen to cover his hair because not many have green hair so he covered his hair. It was also supposed to be open mouth but will rather have his respirator to ensure he maximizes his stamina usage even on missions. Izuku wanted his suit to be green like he originally planned but he was sure Nana would figure out who was behind the suit pretty quickly so he opted for either blue, red, yellow or black landing on yellow because it looked call with red lightning.

After going over his work and completing his training, Izuku decided to have lunch while looking at what the government has been up to. He held his lunch and logged into the government lab CCTV to find some useful information. For about an hour or so nothing noteworthy happens and Izuku is about to stand up when he suddenly saw the team he worked with on the quirk enhancement program walk into the lab holding a briefcase. They place the case on a table and opened it revealing 5 metallic cylinders with red outlines, he then sees the combat bot designed for 3rd years at UA. Izuku's calm outlook turns into one of rage as star labs were commissioned by UA to create combat bots for them to test their 3rd years but to see those same bots being used by the same government that took everything away from him.... let's just say the entire room was covered in lightning as he started to vibrate at high speeds and his eyes not completely red. In his fit of rage, he wanted to run over to the lab and slaughter every single person there but calms down in time to not make a big mistake and ruin his plans for revenge. Izuku slowly stops vibrating and is about to sit down and resume what he was watching but it finally hits him that he was vibrating at super speed proving his theory that it's not just his body that moves at superspeed as a unit but each cell. 'This means theoretically I can phase through solid matter if I vibrate fast enough and infiltrating government buildings should be a lot easier' Izuku thought all of this as he made his right hand vibrate looking at it phase through the wall. His smile was wide and wicked as he forgot about his original objective but he was pulled from his world as he heard a shout from the screen, he looked at it only to be shocked as he saw one of the combat bots in the government lab was active and had one the cylinders from the case in the centerpiece of its chest. Izuku looked through the government files to see what those cylinders contained and was left utterly shocked as those cylinders contained purified reality energy, the info said the energy was about 75% pure which was more than enough to theoretically give someone an arsenal of superhuman abilities possible through the energy conversion equation of the reality series. The energy output cylinders that were put out were enough to give the bot abilities without damaging it. Izuku's good mood went down as he knew if the government could mass produce these then they would have an army of mini androids all for one's. Izuku was stressed when he stopped and looked toward the screen with a bright smile as he figured if the government were able to purify the energy to such an extent and make it usable without much backlash then he could apply the same equation with a few tweaks to create a functioning tachyon device to further increase his time energy absorption. Izuku looked through the database but found nothing of the equation, he then started looking for the team that could have found this equation and found 4 scientists he had never seen before. 'They must be a part of the real government research team because the one he worked with seemed to be not what he expected from the Japanese government, maybe I should visit this team as the Red Demon... Yellow runner...Speed king... I'll think of a name later, for now, I need to study my prey' Izuku thought of this as he started researching his prey.

Izuku woke up with bags under his eyes as he spent the entire night learning everything he can about the 4 people he was going to 'visit'. He got up and did his basic stuff and started practicing how to do things while moving at blinding speeds, he figured just running at such speed was useless so he must get used to the sensation of super speed. One trick he learned was speed thinking, he was able to come up with hundreds of plans in seconds. He also used this ability to teach himself 76 different martial arts in seconds, he used this knowledge to impress the teaching heroes of UA as they were a bit skeptical of a crippled person teaching heroes how to maximize their quirks and how to best use them in fights. He didn't need the info as speed blitzing your opponent was OP in its own right, he studied up on hacking and programming. He read multiple books in seconds just for the fun of it, originally he thought his mind could not contain all this knowledge but to his surprise, he remembered all he read. He abused this ability because as a scientist knowledge is a power and one can never have enough of that. Izuku looked at the clock as it was about time to hunt for his first prey.

Took a while to come back but a new chapter will come out this week again or maybe 2 since school has calmed down a bit.

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