A seed to sow and a plant to grow

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Aizawa was not having a good week, looking over the battle training reports and reviewing the videos hundreds of times looking for what and how Momo did or better yet became what she did. He knows Midoriya has something to do with it whether he admits to it or not, but his response to his questions on the matter made it sound like he was just in the dark about it as he was.

Flashback time

Opening to the door to a girl rambling about her 'babies', the pro hero zeroes in on the smiling green haired boy smiling and nodding his head as he listened to what the pink haired girl said.
Clearing his throat, Aizawa grabs the attention of the 2. Giving Midoriya the patent Eraserhead glare, without the quirk, he is able to relay his intentions for visiting the young genius.

"Mei, why don't you head home. It's getting late, I promise to let you in tomorrow if you behave, " smiling at the now pouting girl, chuckling at her expression, and giving her a key card, which lightens up her face. After hugging the green genius, Mei rushed out excited about the key card she just got, laughing with mischievous intentions.

"Access keycard to my office prevents her from having to hack her way in," Izuku said after seeing the hint of confusion on the older heroes face.
Walking up to his desk, he dropped an open folder in front of Izuku for him to look at.

"Momo Yaoyorozu, quirk, creation, top 15 most physically fit in both hero course classes, an a decent combatant at best. Care to explain why she fought like a seasoned assassin?"
"Project vanguard, don't know what it is, but I know one of my late colleagues spent time with the young heiress discussing something outside of my profession."
An annoyed expression forms on the older pro as whatever this project vanguard is could be a problem, and his best lead is in the dark about it as well.
"Can you dig up anything from what you salvaged from the severs?"
"Already tried. Nothing came up, plus a private project, especially for the rich and powerful, was always off book"

Aizawas face darkens as he understands what the boy is implying regarding how his former place of work operated to some extent.

Flashback done

Tired eyes closed, lying on his back as the air conditioner blasts him with cool air, replaying what he saw his student pull out of no where a question constantly on his mind desperately needing an answer.
"What has my student gotten herself into?"

Izuku felt that this week was going too good for him, as if the universe decided he had suffered enough, and it was time for him to be happy for once. After convincing the young Todoroki to use his pills for aid in his quirk growth, he has finally seen the fruit of his labour. Blue flames have started to form, meaning his flames are getting hotter, and his control over the ice of his quirk is improving.

Not only that, he was finally able to acquire the parts for the power cell meant for the new star labs he envisioned after getting the go-ahead from the Yaoyorozu head. He he finished another batch of his pills, meaning it was time to acquire a new ally.
Miss Hagakure would have been a wonderful addition to the team, but he has nothing on her that would want to make her want to improve using his methods and/or join him. He could threaten her family, but that was a line he wasn't willing to cross, plus he liked her bubble personality, which makes him smile from time to time.

His next best option would be to go for a support/offensive future hero, a person whose quirk allowed them to be both helpful in battles and supporting his future team or allies.
Ochako Uraraka was one such hero. Her ability to negate the gravity of anything she touches within her weight limit is one with potential to be far more than it is now. The pods were able to pick up on the amount of energy her body used and how much she had. The readings showed she had room to grow, a possibility of being able to reverse the effects of her quirk and add gravity to objects opening the door to so much more if caltivated properly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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