A normal day at UA

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I'm finally done with mid-semester exams, but now I have to focus on Finals, which are trippy mainly because they happen during December. Anyways This takes place the morning after the black site raid. Enjoy!

We start in Izuku's UA lab as he prepares the VR sets for the first years who are currently being tested by the infamous Shota Aizawa better known as Eraserhead in the underworld community. A girl with pink dreads questions Izuku on his every move and what each component does as the girl identified as Mei Hatsume writes down every answer the green bean says.

"How do all these components that have no business being together come together to form hyperrealistic worlds and scenarios and not explode in the process?" Mei asked as she sees a bizarre mix of mechanical and cosmic genius at play that even trumped her wild imagination, what concerned her the most was the amount of energy coming from the core, how it was being safely conducted, and the way it projected such worlds into one's mind. Izuku stopped what he was doing and asked Mei to enter on one of the virtual reality pods, she did so without hesitation as she was only able to see the worlds created on a screen.

Mei opens her eyes to see a luscious green field and an assortment of flowers, she feels the soft wind breeze on her skin and the slight chill that accompanies it along with the smell of nature. Hatsume was lost in thought as she absorbed the change in surroundings, she then heard someone approach her and she looked to her left to see Izuku walking towards her. "Can you feel it? One can get lost in this world forever as there is little to no difference from this and reality. Only those with a strong mind can break their limits and control what was beyond reach and create what has never been." Izuku says this as a house and farm appear around them from nowhere with living animals and people working on the farm. Hatsume is shocked first before she attempts to make something but only manages to create a transparent version her school workbench.

"Green, this has so much potential to be the greatest invention ever created in the history of mankind, we can become world famous engineers. I have decided that you will be the first employee of Hatsume Industries" she says with a triumphant laugh. " I'm flattered miss Hatsume but you are gonna have to talk to UA before you can hire me" Izuku looks at her with a smile as she returns one to him. Hatume keeps on trying to create her workbench until she succeeds, she looks at Midoriya and jumps up but suddenly stops as she gets a wild idea, she turns to Izuku as her eyes go wide and bright. "If my theory is right and we can somehow use this technology on support gear, we could potentially create powerful and versatile energy powered hero suits, maybe power the city or better yet improve the quirks of people with much weaker quirks but have the potential to be great heroes" Hatsume says all this and looks at Izuku only to see a look of what she can only describe as pain and sadness. Hatsume may not know a lot about how normal people do things but she knows when someone is hurt and won't go overboard when she recognizes certain looks.

"Is something wrong? Did I say something I wasn't supposed to?" Mei looks at Izuku as the entire scenery changes back to his office. He sits down and gestures for her to do the same. Hatsume sits down as she gets ready to hear an explanation.

"I'm sure you looked through the school database and found out some information about me, how I'm quirkless and that I worked at star labs before starting at UA. I was apart of a team... a family that studied quirk matter, we wanted to do exactly as you said, help heroes, normal people and make the world a better much cleaner place. I was one of the people who figured out how to extract quirk matter from our surroundings, you could say I was a prodigy" Izuku chuckles as he remembers his mothers and teams praising words. "From extraction to studying it, stabilising it and implementing how to use it on heroes and as a universal energy source, I was always at the forefront, might have been just a kid but my influence sometimes surpassed my team leader. Everything was going great until I got too excited and made one simple mistake" Izuku pauses as tears start falling down his cheeks.

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