°Chapter 1° Introduction

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Felix's POV

Sunday the 8th of March

My heart was beating fast. I still couldn't comprehend the fact that i got accepted at the University i had given my blood, sweat and tears to atleast be qualified enough and take the exams.

I was so thrilled to the point i couldn't close my eyes to sleep. But after some time passed i loosened up.

I was currently on the plane, heading to Seoul. Next to me was seated my mom and next to her my sister, Olivia. Mom was sleeping, wearing her baby blue sleeping mask and Olivia was also sleeping with headphones on.

I was next to the porthole so i had a distinguishable view of the clouds. It was 10:48am in the morning. I was a tiny bit tired but i ignored it. Well that was until i felt my head get heavy and slowly close my eyes.

I wasnt sure for how long i had been sleeping but i was abruptly woken up by a sudden shake of the plane. Seems like we finally landed. I was so damn tired but only excitement could be seen.

We entered our not-so spacious apartment that we had bought. See, we are kinda wealthy so its easy to adapt to anything easily. Now you may ask "if you're wealthy why not buy a mansion??" Because we are wealthy. Not fucking stupid. We save up. Anyways.. i got a bit carried away...

After we stowed our things, mom decided to go buy groceries in a nearby supermarket since we were starving and longed for something edible.

In the meantime i chose to lie down for a bit to clear my head. Olivia was in her room, probably decorating it with whatever she currently had.

I wasnt a complete stranger to this country since i had some friends that lived here. I lost touch with them for a few years but when i received the amazing news i was sure to notify them. But sadly none of them attended my university.

After a while...

I had finished eating and i was exhausted!! I immediately went to my room to change clothes, brush my teeth and sleep. It was still early but i couldn't stay up any longer.

Tomorrow was the day that i would be given the rules and regulations, the whole schedule which consists of the classes i will be attending and when and some excess information about the school.

It wasnt just a university. It was massive. I would definitely get lost in there! I guess we'll see how it goes...

• • • •

This was a bit small but im just starting! 😼 Thank u for reading 😊🤍 I appreciate everything!!
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