°Chapter 12° Happy ending

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Hyunjin's POV

We were 15 minutes into the movie. We had sat close to each other, shoulders touching. Everything was going smoothly.

"You know, thats pretty boring." He slightly whined, trying to reposition himself in a more comfortable position.

"It hasn't even started yet" i rolled my eyes aggravated by his constant complaining. Another 15 minutes passed and i suddenly felt Felix's head on my shoulder.

"Are you going to sleep?" I asked, since his body placement was comparable to a half-sleeping one.

"No, im invested in this. Now quiet." His eyes stuck in the big television screen as he shushed me by putting his index finger in front of his mouth. I rubbed it off and continued watching the movie.

A little while later...

My eyes started to get heavy even though it was only 3:28pm. I guess i am used to always get my noon nap. I rested my head against the wall behind the bed and relaxed my body, with Felix's head still on my shoulder.

There were 30 minutes left. I was so drowsy that i couldn't even make out the voices and pictures coming from the movie.

That's when i heard small, muffled sniffles coming from my side.
I quickly turned my head to the blond's direction.

"Felix?" I asked apprehensive, turning fully on my side.

His eyes were big and glossy with tears building up in his eyes and hastily running down his cheeks. "What happened.?" I took hold of his sobbing face. His eyes red and puffy, his lips swollen with a red cherry color and the noises of him sniffling, trying to restrain his runny nose.

"S-she.. S-SHE diED" he bawled, pointing at the screen where the movie was playing. I stared at him in awe and then changed my expression to a more endearing one, letting out a little laugh.

"It's a movie Lixie." I gently ruffled his hair, letting him hug my torso while he buried his head in it. I caressed his back until his cries died down. Seems like his dramatic crying session fatigued him because as soon as i lowered my head to take a look at him he was sleeping with his hands holding my torso vaguely and his head pressed on my chest.

I slowly moved, readjusting my position to lie down with Felix still in my arms. We lied down, as i placed my hand under his head as a pillow, my other hand tenderly grabbing his waist and his arms still wrapped around me. I closed my eyes and surrendered to the loving feeling i was experiencing passionately.

The movie had closed automatically after it finished, leaving us in a warm and comfortable silence. And with that i fell asleep...

• • • •

Felix's POV

I woke up, feeling a warm sensation lingering my body. My eye pupils trying to adjust to the light of the sunset that was rummaging my room. I was about to get up but was forestalled by a considerable hand firmly holding me. I slowly raised my head just to be met by his pretty face. It was so close to mine that i could feel his hot breath on my face.

I quickly lowered my head, before anything gratuitous happened and possibly ruined everything, and moved closer to him, closing my eyes again but not seeming to fall asleep. I remember crying like crazy since i hate sad movies. I warned him! But lets just say i did something more, other than crying...

After some minutes of resting my eyes i discerned Hyunjin shuffling around, still holding me. I kept my eyes shut because i know for a fact if I wake up it would be extremely awkward to face him. He then all of a sudden started playing with strands of my hair. I was so close to letting out a pleasurable humming noise but i holded it back.

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