°Chapter 6° "You again..."

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Felix's POV

I was speeding up to my class. My alarm didn't go off and I woke up 25 minutes later than I should have normally. I hated waking up late since i had a whole routine to do and then i wouldn't have time.

On my way i spotted bangchan with a boy, chatting while leaning against the wall of their lecture hall. Don't they have class?

"Morning Felix!" Bangchan beamed, signaling for me to come closer. How could he be so happy being in a place like.. this... I thought in disgust.

"Whats uupp bro. Who's your little friend over here?" i said casually literally forgetting i was late. I remember him. When i first encountered Chan and changbin he came towards us with han and minho.

"Oh him? Thats Jeongin. A friend of mine."

"Pleasure to meet you" he bowed while shaking my hand gently.

"Woaah no need to be so polite." I chuckled.

"Sorry, force of habit." He anxiously smiled.

"Its okay its okay. Don't sweat about it."
And with that, reality hit me like a truck. Fuck. I got carried away and now im LATE!!!

"UH SORRY GUYS HAVE TO GO. IM LATE. SEE YOU LATER!!" I shouted while running down the hallway adjusting hurriedly my bag so i have a better hold of it on my shoulder and leaving 2 confused boys behind.

• • • •

I entered the hall now, my hair messy, out of breath and addled. Why were there so few students in the hall? Didnt we have a lesson? Where was the professor? Why were bangchan and Jeongin so chill? What is going ON?!

"Ay Felix!" I heard an intimate voice. It was Hyunjin. Why was he here? Maybe for the same reason as me...
Anyways, i went and sat next to him, placing my bag next to my chair.

"Hey hyun" i smiled, relaxing and completely putting my worries aside.

"Oh so now you gave me a nickname?" He smirked playfully.

"Yah, problem? I made it clear. Dont get your hopes high." I replied with a roguish smile.

He just scoffed and rolled his eyes, giggling. After a minute i decided to ask.

"Didnt we have a lecture today?"
He looked at me with a blank expression then all of the sudden he bursted out laughing. I was so confused.
"Why the hell are you laughing, huh??" I wondered annoyed by the reaction of the boy. He just kept laughing while clutching his stomach and repeatedly hitting his desk.
"Whats so funny..." I murmured hitting his shoulder slightly. His laughter died down and put a serious face on. That expression didnt last long though. He cracked a smile and then proceeded to say

"Are you blind or something? Don't tell me you didn't see the big ass letters written in the leaflet you were given" he pondered.

"W-what lett- Oh." I remember now. Oh my god... Im so stupid!! I had overlooked it. I only read the timetables and classes. What did it even say...?

"Today the teachers will be elected for each course, and that's because there are many teachers for a single course. Many teachers chose to work to this school so there are not many job positions. Thats why. They are now selecting the professors with the most suitable qualifications for teaching." He exclaimed taking a deep breath.

"And how do you know so many things about it?" I questioned him.

"My father has been a professor here for the past 4 years. And so i came here to be close with him since i dont see him often at home." He then again smiled.

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