°Chapter 10° Finally together (Minsung)

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This chapter is dedicated to Minsung (Han Jisung x Minho Leeknow) since i wanted to add more details about these too. Enjoy (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)...

Han's POV

It was Saturday afternoon and i was extremely bored. I thought that i would die out of boredom but suddenly i heard a notification sound coming out of my phone. I picked it up from my office desk and turned it on. It was Minho!


Hey sungie 5:13pm

HI HI! 5:14pm

What r ya doing rn? 5:16pm

dying of boredom 😫 5:16pm

Great :) 5:18pm

😟... 5:19pn

Come over ಠ⁠︵⁠ಠ 5:21pm

What if i dont want to 😒 5:21pm

It wasnt a question. 5:22pm

Yessir. 🙇 5:22pm

😊 5:23pm

Opeeennn 😓 5:43pm

• • • •

I was standing right outside Minho's house, tapping my foot quickly on the ground. The door opened, revealing the boy who had a wide, loving smile plastered on his beautiful face. Ah, the reasons why i fell for him keep increasing every day.

"Hi!" I beamed, entering his house and following him to his bedroom.

On our way I saw his mother in the living room, sitting with an open book in her one hand and in the other she hold a cup filled with coffee.

"Hello Ms. Lee!" (Idk sry😭) she turned around to look at me and gave me a warm smile.

"Hello sweetheart, how have you been?"

"Im alright" i replied grinning.

"Good to hear" she said, turning her attention back to her book, taking a sip from her coffee.

We finally walked in his room and i sat on his bed while he sat on his office chair, facing me.

"Okay so.. what now?" I asked, looking straight in his alluring chocolate eyes.

"Why are you asking me" he laughed it off. I looked at him, setting my mouth in a hard line.

"So you invited me and you don't even know what we could do??" I exclaimed annoyed, gasping slightly and rolled my eyes. He simply chuckled. So cute.

"I say we go to the park to see the sunset." Minho suggested.

"OH MY GOD YES. Thats a very woohoo idea!!"

"Woohoo?" He looked at me, trying to hold his laugh by putting his hand to cover his mouth.

I just squinted my eyes in annoyance and hit his shoulder. He just bursted laughing, clutching his stomach and leaning forward.

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