°Chapter 9° Maniac

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Felix's POV

We took a seat next to the window, where we always sit. We then again ordered our usual drinks.

"So how did my sister treat you?" I giggled, focusing my eyes on him.

"Actually she was very friendly!... Unlike you" he huffed and smirked.

"Oh c'mon, im not that bad." I whined jokingly, earning a small chuckle from the other.

You're so cute


D-did i..

Say that...


"W-what..?" I asked trying to cover it up.
"Did you say something before? I heard something." He wondered puzzled.
"O-OH no! Your uh imagination" I cracked a wide smile. Help me.

"Aight, if you say so... pretty boy.."


I almost choked on my drink. I raised my head to look at him and he was just smiling all innocently. What are you doing to me...


"What?" He put on a worried face but quickly smiled afterwards.

"You realize that I heard you, right?" I looked at him slightly squinting my eyes to express annoyance. A feeling that is far away from what I was feeling at the moment.

"My goal exactly." He boldly stated. I rolled my eyes but couldn't help the pressure that was slowly building up in my stomach. I could feel my limbs hastily smudging all together. This strange but beatific fondness I had for the boy eating me whole bit by bit. I wasn't familiar with these unexpectedly lovey-dovey thoughts. But he somehow found a way to make me fall for him with his charms and his charisma. So annoying...

• • • •

Hyunjin's POV


It was already late. The sky was overclouded and gloomy, mist subjugating the atmosphere, the cafe was almost empty and it looked like it was about to rain. Rain heavily.

"Its kinda late don't you think? Maybe we should head home." I exclaimed, looking out the window, observing the sky.
"Sounds good. You'll drop me off at my house?" Felix asked, getting up and fixing his shirt.
"Yeah of course."

We headed towards the exit, now walking down the sidewalk. It was chilly for March.
"Thanks. I had a lovely time." He suddenly blurted out.
"I had a great time too. I really like hanging out with you." I said as i stuffed my hands in my pockets. He simply simpered.

"We're here. I guess ill see you tomorrow. If you need anything just call me. I dont sleep at all." Felix said beaming.

"You should sleep, its bad for you to stay up all night."

"Whateverrr" he groaned, walking inside the building.

"Goodnight. Sleep well"

"You too" i said as i waved at him. I turned around and started walking towards a stygian alleyway. Regreted every moment. It was so dark i couldn't even see where im going. Midway i changed my mind and decided to find another route. That was until i bumped into someone. I turned around to see who it was but his face was covered by the inky shadows. I quickly apologized, bowing, until the guy spoke.

"So its you."


I recognized that voice. Dont... Tell me..

That Damn Boy... / Hyunlix Where stories live. Discover now