°Chapter 7° Playful mood

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Friday the 17th of March

Hyunjin's POV

A few days passed and i got awfully close with the blond. Surprisingly i even developed a weird feeling i never felt before.

Everytime i would look at him i would get flustered. Not that he did anything. Its just that.. i dont know. He always makes me feel things I've never in my life have felt before. Quite peculiar if you ask me. Its been a week or so.

According to the media, it takes approximately 88 days for a guy to fall in love or develop a crush. What am i even saying... Thats bullshit. I can fall in love whenever i want! Who are they to think they can tell me when to love someone. Off topic though.

Everything about him is so intriguing. From his appearance to even his cocky yet sweet personality that always seems to get me.

That adorable smile he has whenever he talks about his favourite things.

The sophisticated and confident look he has every time he tries to prove me wrong, and yet he always succeeds!

That bold smirk he cracks whenever i get all red and embarrassed about something. I am in a chokehold by that boy completely and to be honest i dont complain at all.

• • • •

I was currently in class, i dont even know what lesson we had. I was completely lost in my own Dreamland. Damn he really has a big impact on me...

I was cut off by the bell ringing and i immediately got up, taking my backpack with me and exiting the hall. I walked through the crowdy hallway, pushing through some students to finally get to the cafeteria. I had 2 hours more of lecture and then i would go to my sweet home to sleep.

When i arrived i spotted Felix with Jeongin, Han, Minho and Changbin all sitting in a lunch table talking. No one seemed to be eating. I wouldn't either. The food is terrible. Not even flies have the strength to come close, to that dreadful shit you call food, without passing away.

"Hey guys" i said smiling, receiving grins from the other boys too. I sat next to Felix putting my backpack next to me.

"What's up bro. You seem pale. Are you okay?" Minho mentioned, pointing my face. Yeah, to be honest i hadn't eaten nor drank anything since yesterday afternoon.

"Are you sick?" Felix queried, sipping on his lemonade.

"No no im fine. Ill go grab a water bottle. Ill be back in a minute." I reassured, getting up and walking towards the vending machine, next to the serving counter.

I inserted the coin to the coin acceptor and pressed the needed pattern of numbers to the keypad. I grabbed my water and started walking back to the group.

"Im back." I exclaimed as i sat back to my previous seat.

"Welcome back" Jeongin giggled and proceeding to turn his attention back to changbin who was talking to him.

"Guys we have to go. We have economics. Anyways we'll see y'all later! Take care!!" Han announced getting up with Minho holding his hand as they were walking away.

We said our goodbyes and continued talking.

"Are they like.. a thing?" Felix pondered with an obscure face.

"No but im 101% sure that they will be. I mean.. look at them. Its so obvious." I conceited.

"Especially Minho... He's so defensive." I murmured, earning a glare from changbin and Jeongin.

"See? Even he figured it out and he doesn't even know them for a long time!" Jeongin scoffed in disbelief.

"I swear to god, if they don't end up together soon i will jump off the window." I dramatically announced, slamming my hands on the table, having enough of it already.

"No don't."

I glanced at Felix. Did he really thought i would..?

"If you do, ill jump off with you."


"Are you fucking stupid?? I was joking !!" I divulged loudly, receiving some weirded out glances.

Felix was now laughing by my reaction. Jeongin and Changbin were just staring at us with mischievous smiles and whispering to each other.

"Dumbass..." I mumbled hitting him in the back of his head causing him to wince in pain. My breath hitched at the reaction of the boy, thinking i had hit him a bit too rough.

"Im sorry im sorry!!" I sorrowed, gently grabbing the others head pulling it towards my chest while he was holding it.

"Why'd you hit me so hard!!" He whined childishly.

"Im sorry!!" I panicked. "Are you okay Lixie?? Dont tell me you had a concussion!! Do you remember me?!"

"Are you crazy?? Im alright!!" His whine fadely changing to a laugh.

"Ahem." We both turned our heads to the direction of the voice, noticing a very fed up changbin and Jeongin trying his best to hold in his laugh by covering his mouth. Perceiving our position, Felix quickly scrambled away from me and "dusted off" his spotless shirt.

"Okay we'll go now. Lets go Hyun. Bye guys see ya later" Felix cleared his throat and grabbed me by my arm, dragging me to our current lecture.

• • • • •

Felix's POV

School ended and i was walking home with Hyunjin.

I decided to ask out of the blue,

"Hey are you free today?" I questioned, staring at the ground waiting for an answer.
"Mhm" he hummed positively, unbothered.
"Would you like to come to my house afterwards?"
The boy seemed to be quite taken aback but shrugged it off and nodded, smiling.
My heart almost stopped due to my nervousness.

"Okay then, thanks for dropping me off. We'll meet again aaat..?"
"7pm?" I asked.
"Yah of course. See you!" And with that i left and went home. My heart beat increasing every second. I could feel hot blood filling my cheeks, leaving red prints all over my face and tinting my freckles a darker shade, making them more recognizable. I felt embarrassed.

How could i ever feel like that towards someone? The crush thing was usually one sided for me because i just didn't find anything interesting or attracting in anyone. I liked the feeling, not gonna lie. I felt like one highschool girl with her crush, kicking my feet in the air while giggling and thinking about him. Ah. Unbelievable... I never imagined i would be talking like that about anybody...

• • • • •

HALO 😇 hope yall are having a wonderful day/week/month or wtvar (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)
Feel free to give your feedback and criticism abt this story and how its going so far!! 😼
1125 words 👾

That Damn Boy... / Hyunlix Where stories live. Discover now