°Chapter 5° Troublemaker

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Hyunjin's POV

I set off, saying goodbye to Felix and exited the hall. I needed coffee or else i would go the way of all flesh. I put my earbuds on and started listening to my playlist as I was walking down the corridor.

Now playing:

Why'd you only call me when you're high
Arctic monkeys
0:12 2:44

☆ ☆ ☆

Out of the blue, i received a notification from my mom. I reached out to grab my phone from my pocket when i suddenly bumped into someone. I looked up and saw an irritated boy with a frown covering his face.

"Watch where the fuck you are going" he said sternly. I quickly apologized not wanting any trouble when i was caught off by him, walking past me and pushing me harshly.
"You better apologize, dipshit"

As he was about to leave I turned to him with an exasperated expression and said with a taut voice.

"Maybe be more tolerant next time. Mistakes happen. It wouldn't kill you to be polite, especially to people you dont know."

Oh boy. He was furious.

"What the fuck did you just say to me you little sh-" before he even had the chance to finish his grating sentence a different voice was heard from behind me. A familiar one.

"What is going on hyunjin?" He looked at me suspiciously and then glared at the other guy.

"Nothing, don't worry i was just going ho-"

"Tell your fucker for friend to watch his mouth or else I'll make sure he never sees the light of the day ever again." He threatened. But Felix didn't even flinch by the sudden harsh words.

"Uh Felix i think its better if we-"

"Excuse me?"
My eyes widened to the unexpected rough voice of Felix.
I looked at him.
He looked like he could kill with just his glare.

"You heard me"

Felix stared sceptically at the guy for a minute.

"Let's go hyunjin. I won't even bother arguing with him. He looks brainless either way." His eyes softened and gently grabbed my arm, now dragging me to the direction of the exit of the school, completely ignoring the other guy. I was confused but brushed it off and followed him.

We were now standing right outside of the school.

"Im thinking of going to the cafe nearby. I saw it on my way here and found it entrancing." He smiled.

"Sure why not. I really need coffee too"

And with that we started walking down the sidewalk, a comfortable silence filling the atmosphere around us.
I was still a bit taken aback by the previous event that occurred.

• • • •

We were standing just right outside the cafe. It was a small single-storey building, with beige colored walls, a steel contemporary door with black coloured glass panels, vines hanging from the roof, outdoor wall lights, a brick fence surrounding the outdoor seating places and posters with different themes in each.

The inside was even more beautiful. Ceramic pots with every kinds of plants placed in every corner of the shop, burgundy colored curtains covering each wall-sized window, oak coffee tables with sofa dining chairs, and small candles placed in each table creating a warm atmosphere.

We sat down on a table near a window, providing us a pleasant view. As i was trying to make myself comfortable Felix looked at me and asked

"Who was the guy from previously?"

I stopped what i was doing and looked at him.

"Oh huh? I dont know him. I just accidentally bumped into him and he took it all personally." I said unbothered.

"Be careful. If that happens again just apologize and continue your day. You never know how much trouble they can cause and in some cases you wouldn't wanna know what they can do. Some are just blinded by anger and hatred. They can become violent." He said without even a stutter.

I gulped due to his words. He lets them slide so sophystically like he considers every word before he speaks. I'm even more amazed.

"I doubt that anyone would just beat me up for such a small incident. I believe people these days are more lettered and easy-going." I replied smiling nervously.

"Okay then.. just.. be careful." He hesitantly confirmed.

"Of course, dont worry."

"Pft. Who said i was worried." He gave me a scoffing smirk.

"Seems like it" i grinned widely.

"Dont get your hopes high" he teased playfully.

It was early afternoon. We had been talking for more than 3 hours. This is the longest i have ever sat down to chat with someone and i was glad this someone was him. It usually gets dark very early here so the sky outside was tenebrous. Other than that, i also found out that his house was near mine.

I said my goodbyes to the blond boy. He offered to walk me home and of course i couldn't deny.

When i arrived, i opened the door and greeted my mom, taking off my shoes. She was in the kitchen cooking. I sluggishly walked to my room and sat on my bed rethinking everything i did today. I was for once at peace.

It was a nice day.
(Except for the accident this morning)

• • • •

Hello lovelies (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠) hope you liked it !! <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠>
Schools started so ill try to write as much as i can 😿 other than that i really like how this is going and i have some plans in my mind for the future😉 BYE-BYE ❤️
927 words 🙄

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