°Chapter 4° Friendly approach

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Felix's POV


I finally figured out where my lecture hall was thanks to Han.

"I'll have to leave now, since you found your classroom. Mine is a bit further down that hallway if you ever need anything!" Han smiled delighted.

"Thanks, i appreciate it a lot," I gave him a soft smile. Han began to turn around but before he could run off to his friends, i blurted out:

"Hey! And tell your little friend that his jealousy can be cognized from meters away! I ain't gonna steal his lover!" I giggled playfully.

Han glared at me with an overly confused but flushed look. He undoubtedly knew what I was talking about, but ran off covering his now crimson red face.

• • •

I entered the hall looking around, examining my surroundings attentively. There were students sitting in small groups or individually, chatting with one another or approaching each other to either ask for something or just get to know each other.

I decided to take a sit and just relax after all the walking i did. I was a bit tired. Too tired to even take the bus and leave. My eyes slowly closing and my head feeling heavy.

I was looking down on my lap when i suddenly saw a stain. What the fuck?? Could this day get any better... I frowned, cursing under my breath while i tried figuring out what may have stained me. I was so embarrassed!! I had been walking around for so long and NO ONE TOLD ME?? Ugh!! Unbelievable!

I was interrupted from my thoughts by a somewhat taller male figure. I didn't get to raise my head to see the figure before he softly murmured a question.

"Is it okay if i sit here?" He stood staidly in front of me.


A"Of course, why ask." I bluntly responded, unaware of who sat next to me. Now now... You may think that it was just a boy. To be honest i thought the same! Before i eventually raised my head to see who i was dealing with... Oh my...

I turned my head and i caught myself starring. Thank god the boy had put his earbuds on and was completely absorbed with his eyes closed relaxing his, what it seemed to be like, tensed body.

I couldn't believe my eyes. This guy. He was... Stunning. Not just that, he was exceptionally... handsome? Ravishing. Seraphic. I was quite taken aback by the sudden burst of these kind of thoughts.

A scarlet red dust smeared all over my face. I rubbed it off and rested my head on my arm, now leisurely closing my eyes for the i-didnt-even-count time this day.

• • • •
Hyunjin's POV

I was sitting down next to a blond boy who didnt seem to acknowledge my presence a lot. He was tired. He seemed like it too so i just ignored his behavior.

I didn't catch a glimpse of his face though as he was looking down at something on his sweater. I really wanted to ask his name but i wasn't in the proper state. I'm not sure why though. Something about his ?aura? Made me tense up. Not in an uncomfortable way.

Moments later...

He was now laying his head on the desk facing my way. I hesitantly removed my earbuds, adjusting my position in my chair, now sitting with my back straight against the chair's back leaning forward vaguely, inspecting the boy's features. I was mesmerized. He was truly the definition of beauty.

His rosy button nose that was covered in bonny freckles which were softly scattered all over his peach-coloured cheeks. His heart shaped, vivid red lips giving him a winsome look. His blond, silk-alike, luxuriant and currently messy hair that was fadely covering his forehead, strands sticking out in every direction.

I made a stupid move. I-I swear i didnt mean to do it! My body acted on its own. I woke him up. I feel so bad now..

"Hey" i gave him an awkward smile while poking him on his arm gently. His eyes fluttered open while shifting and repositioning himself in his chair. He still looked a bit dazed.

"Hm? wh- what happened ?" He asked whilst looking around.

"Oh nothing i just wanted to know your name, sorry if i bothered.." i said hesitantly before locking gaze with the blond boy.

"Oh" he took a moment to inhale and exhale.
"Lee Felix" a small smile appeared on his handsome face.

"Hwang Hyunjin" I added letting him know about mine too. "You are a foreigner i assume. Your name testified it" I stated.

"Yeah" was the only thing that came out of his mouth.

"Where from?" I said, now turning my full attention to him.

"Australia. I recently moved here, and by recently i mean yesterday." The blond chuckled quietly. Oh. my. god. That was adorbs.

After a while of talking, asking questions back and forth and getting to know each other...

Hyunjin's POV

I was surprised to find out that we had quite a lot of things in common. I kept the conversation going just to keep on listening to his heavenly voice. It was addictive. It was unquestionably the most compelling voice I've ever heard. How could it be both engaging and husky at the same time?? It had me on a chokehold the whole time we were talking.

Felix's POV

I was so flustered. I was trying my best not to blush the whole time we were talking. I couldn't stop admiring him. His straight, dark caramel-brown hair. His catlike, brownish, coffee colored eyes. His face structure is flawless. Every tiny bit detail seems like it was made in heaven, from the angels. He must be god's favorite...

Hyunjin's style/appearance ☆

Hyunjin's style/appearance ☆

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Ok i put a very detailed description about the 2 boys 😭 i have mixed feelings abt this !! Sorry i ended this chap very abruptly...
ANYWAYS thanks once again if you read this crap 🤗 ❤️
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