°Chapter 8° His sister

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Felix's POV

I returned home and it was now 3:27pm. I decided to study for a bit till Hyunjin comes over.

I threw my bag to the floor and took out my textbooks and a pen. I had to write an essay based on the Hippocratic medicine and the theory of four humors. It was really irrelevant but whatever.

1 and a half hour later...

I got tired from too much writing. I had tons to write more but my eyes wouldn't stay open. I decided to take a nap for a little while...

• • • •

Hyunjin's POV

I was right outside Felix's house. I rang the bell and waited patiently. I was looking at the ground when the door suddenly opened, revealing a short girl figure. Uh, that wasn't Felix. I just stood there.

"Hello? Who are you?" The girl said tilting her head to the side.

"Uh I am um Felix's friend. Is he her-"

"Oh yeah right. My bad, i forgot he told me. Come inside." She interrupted, moving away from the door to make way for me to enter. I removed my shoes and approached the sofa. It was a nice apartment. Small and simple but seemed very conventional. I had to take the elevator since its in the 7th floor of a block of flats.

"Is Felix here?" I asked looking around then turning to the girl that was now snacking on chocolate chip cookies.

"Oh yeah in his room. Go see what he's doing."
Okay... I don't even know where his room was. Ill just go explore.

I started walking towards a small hallway with paintings hanging from every side of it. A small wooden console table with mini clay pots that "accommodate" elegant begonias.

I ended up in front of an oak wooden door. I knocked and waited. No answer. I was about to knock again when i heard a voice behind me.

"Thats his room. Wait ill go see what he's doing, sorry for his unwelcoming behavior." She said rolling her eyes and opening the door. Before i could even peek through the door, she closed it.

I just stepped a bit forward and leaned against the wall, busying myself by taking out my phone for a little.

• • • •

Olivia's POV

What was this guy doing. He has guests here and wont even get up to greet them. How rude.

I walked in his room and noticed his figure covered by the bedsheets. His desk lamp on, a half finished cup of coffee sitting in his desk, a pen on the ground and his textbook open. He was probably studying.

"Felix" i whispered and gently shook him.

"Felix" i repeated, still not receiving an answer.


His eyes fluttered open, trying to readjust to the brightness of the lights.

"Whatt do you wantt" he wined, covering his face with the quilt. What a baby...

"Ahem, im here to announce that you're friend is waiting for you for the past 10 minutes. Get up!! The poor boy.." He uprised unexpectedly with wide eyes. I flinched by the quick movement of him.

"FUCK, OH MY GOD" He yelled, now panicking and running around the room.



"THANK YOU THANK YOU!!" He said, quickly patting my head and running out the door.

• • • •

Hyunjin's POV

As i was waiting for them to come out, i heard yelling, quickly turning my head to the direction of the door. Before i could react, Felix run out of the room. He saw me and hurriedly bowed before shouting

"PLEASE WAIT HERE FOR A BIT. I NEED TO DO SOMETHING!!" and with that, he was out of sight. I was left bewildered. Then i saw his sister walking out after a few minutes.

"Uh, everything's alright?" I asked puzzled.

"Yeah sorry he has to help mom with something. Dont worry he will return soon. Excuse his rudeness" she bowed, shaking her head.

"Come sit in the living room while you wait." She offered. I walked over to the sofa and sat down, making myself comfortable.

"Soo..." I awkwardly murmured.

"Whats your name?" She sat on the opposite side, facing me, with a cup that contained iced water, handing it to me.

"Thank you. And i am Hyunjin."

"Nice to meet you. Im Olivia! Felix's younger sister."

"Pleasure to meet you too." I smiled softly.

"So i assume you guys are colleagues. Im glad Felix made some friends."

"Is it an unusual thing for Felix to make friends?"

"Ill tell ya. Back in Australia he was quite popular. Many people would ask him out since he was considered the prince of the school. But other than that, people he would befriend with, would end up asking him out. He hated that. He just wanted friends that didnt have these intentions. Yet he never admitted having feelings for anyone. No one interested him enough for his satisfaction. I must admit it though, he is super handsome for a guy his age" she chuckled.

"Yeah..." I mumbled but didn't expect for her to hear me. A sly smirk appearing in her face. Uh oh.

"Ohoho. Whats that?"

"You literally admitted it. I simply agreed." I scoffed. Deep down though i was thoroughly embarrassed. Oh my godd...

"So tell me, Hyunjin. Do you really want to be my brother's friend?"

"Of course. I genuinely think he is a nice guy. Kind but also an idiot sometimes. His personality is captivating."

"I see.." she smiled. "You seem like a nice guy too. Take care of Felix, please."

"Mhm.." I nodded. "Did.. something happen? Do i have to be cautious?"

"No. I just want to protect him. Not physically, but emotionally. Be there for him. He is a very emotional person. He's still a child deep down."
She wiped a nonexistent tear. I gave her a reassuring grin

"Ill keep that in mind. Thanks."

I suddenly heard keys jangling.

"Im finally here.. I deeply apologize!!" Felix said closing the door behind him and taking off his shoes. He took a few breaths before he said

"Thanks oli for staying with him. Ill take him now." Smiling from ear to ear, grabbing my hand and dragging me to his room. I took a look behind me and i saw Olivia pursing her mouth into a smirk. I just stuck my tongue out and looked back at Felix.

We entered his room.

The walls were iron grey colored with posters everywhere, a small office desk with a big bookshelf next to it enriched with all kinds of books, a wall-sized window with white gauzy curtains and a comfortable-looking bed with white bedsheets and a fleecy quilt.

"So? What shall we do?"
"Would you like to go out? To the cafe maybe?"
"Absolutely. Lets go"

There was no point in going to the his room then. Hah. Anyways, we said goodbye to Olivia and left heading towards the cafe we always go.

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