°Chapter 3° What a coincidence!

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Felix's POV

I was standing in front of the school gates dumbfounded.

"Hey!! Are you coming? We dont want to leave you all alone" Han said walking close to me and then pulling me by my hand. Minho seemed irritated, annoyed?

"Uh your friend.. seems..." I mumbled seeing Han turn his head slightly to glance at Minho.
The bitter boy was looking at the ground, kicking pebbles and muttering to himself.

"Ugh uh don't mind him. He can be such a drama queen" Han grumbled rolling his eyes slightly.

"I hope im not a burden!!" I wondered, thinking i had caused something between them.

"What?? Noo!! Of course not. As i said he is just exaggerating over stupid things.." I decided not to question anything more so i just stayed silent till we arrive to the Lecture Hall.

We made it to the Lecture Hall and walked up to the group of professors standing next to a lectern handing out leaflets. I took one from a professor, bowed politely and moved forward to sit down and take a look at it.

Han and Minho both grabbed theirs and informed me that they would be going to meet some friends and would eventually come back. I reassured them that i would be alright.

Today we didn't have to attend any classes. The school was open in order to help students orient themselves and give them a basic image of how they have to operate here. Thank god. Many professors were scattered around, some helping students find their classes, others handing out leaflets and others just generally helping.

I came to the conclusion that i would read the leaflet at home. For now, i will go explore. And with the help of god, and the teachers, i wouldn't get lost.

20minutes later...

Okay so... I have figured out where some classes are such as the art gallery, the library, the theater, the science and chemistry lab, the cafeteria aaaand... No thats it.
Yet somehow i haven't found my lecture hall.

"Unbelievable" I sighed, a hint of annoyance could be identified in my voice.

"Hey are you okay?"

An orotund voice asked while walking towards me. "What the hell...second time today. Do i really look that miserable??" I thought to myself while turning around to see who was referring to me.

It was a boy, no, there were 2 boys standing in front of me. One was the same height as me, had blond bleached curly hair and light chestnut eyes.

The other boy seemed to be a little shorter than me, with jet black straight hair and chocolate eyes. Hm, strange... At first glance i thought i knew the blond boy... Wai-

"Felix??" He gasped.

I knew i recognized him!

"Hey man! Long time no see! How have you been?" He said now a big smile forming on his face. It was my cousin. Bang chan. I hadn't seen him for a year!!

"Hey! I've been good. I didnt expect to see you here. How come?" I said pulling him in a hug.

"I got accepted too!! I had some other options but when i heard you passed the exams i was sure to come here!" He chuckled turning his attention to the boy next to him.
"Oh yeah and this is my buddy, Changbin."

"Nice to meet you, uh..."

"Felix" i extended my hand to his direction shaking his hand.

"So where are you heading to right now?" Chan asked, curiosity getting the best of him.

That Damn Boy... / Hyunlix Where stories live. Discover now