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     “Get the fuck away from her!” Is the last thing I heard my brother say before I passed out on the floor of my kitchen. My dad had just smashed a glass cup against my head because I failed to do what I was told. The only thing I have a real problem with is the fact I don’t even remember what I was supposed to do. I wake up to having ice water poured on my face. It’s cold enough in this house as it is. 

     “That's it! I'm done with you two and your bullshit is your moving in with your uncle!” My father screams while holding me up by my arm. “Get the fuck out of my house, Now!” 

        I get thrown outside. It's freezing and smells very clearly of cow shit and what seems like mold. I start crying and grab onto my brother. I sniffle and look up at him, he picks me up and starts walking down the road. 

    “Nile, why doesn’t daddy love us?” He's holding my head against his broad shoulder when he sighs. We are walking up to a small shack that has two chairs in the front with two large people. My uncle Lincoln, and my cousin Chariet. 

     “He is no father to us, my little nightmare.” he sighs, pulling my head away from his shoulder, he carefully places me on the ground next to him not letting go of my hand. “Dad kicked us out and told us to come here.” My uncle smiles brightly looking at me. 

    “All good kiddos, come on in!” He waves his hand inside. When we walk in we are hit with the odor of beer and moldy food. I look up at nile who is hiding his disgust. “The only thing I ask is that you clean up here, I'm getting too old!” Lincoln laughs. Hes forty-six years old, he's more than capable of cleaning up a few plates. 

      “Hey Nile, want to come help me with the fire wood?”My cousin chariot asks.

     “Uh yeah sure.” He kneels in front of me, “I'll be an hour at most ok? Do what uncle Lincoln says he'll take care of you.” I nod and wrap my arms around his neck. “Love you nightmare."

     “Love you too Nile.” I say just above a whisper. I watch as he leaves, turning around to wave back at me every so often. I hate when he leaves because that's when the hurt comes the worst. 

     “Clean the kitchen. Now.” My uncle demands. I’m too short to reach the sink because of malnutrition and neglect of sunlight. I'm only about four eleven, I am eleven years old. I grab a chair so I can reach up to the tap, that's when I feel a bottle against the back of my head. “I said clean, not sit and chill out you bitch!” He screams at me.I cover my ears as he continues to scream in my face. Thats when he starts removing his belt.


    “Nightmare!” I woke up and saw a tall man in front of me. “We Have to go, we are here.” The man says, that's when I realize it's sergeant Soap Mactavish. 

    “Huh, Where are we?” I look around and see my captain and other team members. My captain, John Price, starts laughing at me and puts his hand on my shoulder.
“Oh right, we're here to meet the other recruits…” I rub the corners of my eyes and let them adjust to the light. A few minutes later a slightly taller man then Soap walks around the corner, he's got tall and fluffy looking hair. 

     “Hola amigos, the names Alejandro Vargas.” The man declares waving at us.

     “Gaz.” Kyle Garrick, is a fairly tall man with dark skin. He's nice but personally he's too quiet for my own comfort. 

“Soap.’’ Johnny Mactavish, He looks honestly ridiculous. The sides of his head are shaved to reveal a mohawk on the top of his head. He is Scottish like me, We tend to gossip to each other so I would consider us friends.

“Nightmare.” Me. 

“Captain Price.” John Price, he's the captain and he's who recruited us to the one four one. I don’t have much to say about him yet, other than he needs to lose that stupid hat.

Well it's very nice to meet you all!” Alejandro exclaims. I look at Soap and see he's looking around the large yard filled with up armored cars and planes. 

“Fucking Ifrinn.” He whispers with a bit of a laugh, “Aye, Nightmare look!” He says pointing at a tall man, he very clearly has muscle, he's wearing a mask,

“Simon “Ghost” Riley everyone.” Price smiles patting him on the back. 

“Shti fucking naomh.”

Afraid Of Ghosts Aren't We? (Simon riley x Reader.)Where stories live. Discover now