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    “Ghost this is the new team, and the people you will be living with.” Price looks back at us, “This is Kyle “Gaz” Garrick, Alejandro Vargas, Johnny “Soap” Mactavish, And (Y/N) “Nightmare” Thompson.” I stare at The large masked man trying to decipher where I recognize him from. I think he's doing the same as me because his eyes won't leave my face. 

   “(Y/N)?” He practically asks for Price to repeat my name, “You were in the Special Air Service weren't you?” He looks at me. Fuck now I know who you are. 

    “You may have known me, but you know nothing of what I have become. Do not speak to me unless it is of dire importance.” I glare daggers into him remembering all the pain he once caused me. 

    Simon and I used to work together in the Special Air Service before he was sent on his mission to find Manuel Roba. He made many promises to me the night before he left stating he was going to come back in a few months and try to find me. It had been two months before his Commanding officer, Major Vernon had seen me and told me the mission was a success and everyone had gone back to their previous jobs or homes. I waited one more month, nothing. Three months, Then six months, Then a year. Nothing not a single fucking word, letter, phone call. Nothing. 

      “God (Y/n), Please try to get along with him.” Soap says with slight gruffness behind his tone. I roll my eyes, he has no idea why I hate him, it's not his fault. 

   “Why are you mad at me?” He looks at me clueless like he doesn’t fucking remember. 

   “You left me to fucking fend for myself! You abandoned me.” I yell at him, earning a shocked look from Price. This is the loudest he's ever heard me speak, even in battle. And he's known me for six years. “Remember your promise? Yeah i waited five years for you, Five Fucking Years! You didn't even have the common decency to send me a letter, give me a call to say I didn't matter to you anymore.” It feels good to finally get that off my chest. “Now if you'll excuse me, Me and soap have a room to decorate.” I say running my hand over my hair before pushing past everyone to get to my room. 


“Now what the fuck was that about, aye?” Soap says to me as he plugs in a cord. “I mean fuck i knew you had trauma but seriously with him?” I laugh at him when      He says that. 

“I don't have any trauma from him, Just some pent up aggression.” I laugh while putting the final details into my decorations, “And voila!” I turn and look at him gesturing to my wall. 

“Aye it looks half decent!” He gushed sarcastically. I roll my eyes and give him the finger, He sticks his tongue out at me. I pick up a pillow and throw it at him. “Oh you are fucking on mate!” He grabs a pillow and starts whipping it at me, we are both laughing hysterically while launching pillows at each other. 

“Who wants starbucks?” we hear Price yell from the hallway, We both smile and run out. 

“Me!” I exclaim rushing over to him. I trip and fall right in front of them from the rush of giddiness from the thought of drinking something sugary. Gaz starts laughing at me and sticks his hand out for me. “I needth no help from the men in the room, I shall crawl down the stairs.” I start crawling when Price picks me up and carries me downstairs and into the car. 

“Alright the nearest starbucks is three klicks from here let's go.” Gaz says to Price plugging his phone into the AUX. He puts on the worst song ever. And I mean literally, it's called the worst song ever by Pervanal. I roll my eyes and look at Soap. We are sitting at the very back of the jeep where the music is the loudest. I notice Ghost leaning towards Gaz, and as they are talking Gaz turns on his phone and searches for a different song. 

“Alrighty guys, this song is dedicated to the emo with the masko.” Gaz says in the best female impression he can muster. Then the song starts and I recognize it almost immediately. Apocalypse by Cigarettes After Sex.  

“How the hell do you even remember this song?” I snapped at him. He looks back at me and I can see by the way his chest moves up and down that he sighs.

“I believe me and you should talk alone later.” He looks at me.  

“No we can talk in front of everyone if you need to talk to me that fucking bad.” I retorted before I looked out the window and saw we were pulling up to the drive through. Everyone tells Price what they want and now he's asking me. 

“What do you want, Nightmare?” He asked me. 

“A drink as black as my soul!” I yell up to the front of the jeep making everyone laugh. 

“And a Venti Raspberry frappuccino with caramel drizzle.” He says to the women taking the order. Everyone starts laughing more and I just smile in content. Once We get our drinks we drive back to the house, taking turns telling what song we want to listen to.  

Now i know damn well that ghost would not listen to cigarettes after sex and that they probably wouldnt drink starbucks. But sometimes you just got to put your own spin on a story.

Afraid Of Ghosts Aren't We? (Simon riley x Reader.)Where stories live. Discover now