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   "Where are we going Mare?" Simon asks me. Its tweleve thirty and im getting hungry so i thought we should go to lunch first.
    "Surprise!" I say stopping at a red light. Thats when both of our phones ring. Its some groupchat that i dont remeber ever being in. The person who texted popped up as price so i know what the group chat is. the text reads 'I know your going on your date but you need to come back to the base. Its an emergency.'

   "Fucking hell. You were gonna take me on a date? You know im the one whos supposed to do that right?" He snarks at me. I turn at the corner and start heading back to the base.

   "Yes obviously i know that, and yes i know thats your mind set on relationships but thats to bad i guess."

    Ten minutes later we are back at base, We see people running around frantically packing up cars full of gear. Some look worried while others look completely calm. Thats when we see Gaz running out of the main building.

   "Gaz!" Simon calls out. Gaz looks towards us trying to identify whos calling him.
   "Get to Price, Fast!" He yells at us. He sounds panicked which freaks me out and we run straight to Where price is. He is in the living room sitting in a chair smoking a cigar.

    "There you are. We got a letter in the mail this morning, its a threat for you Ghost." He pauses handing Simon the letter, "Except not only are you in danger, its a bomb threat, and a major threat to you Nightmare." Well De rinn mi a-nis.  "Now go get changed we need to be out of here in an hour." I run up the stairs with Ghost behind me i run into my room and start getiing changed. once im done i storm into Ghosts room.

   "Why the hell am i being threatened?!" I yell at him, even if its not his fault if its written for him its his fault. "Huh Ghost?! Fucking answer me dont just stand there!"

    "Because your important to me!" He yells back. "Thats what happens when really bad people are after you Mare, You know this!"

    "How would whoever this is even know who i am Simon? What do you get intergogated on a daily about who you care about?"

    "I dont know (Y/N) I didnt fucking want this. Im sorry but what we have is over, Its putting you in danger and its only  been two days now imagine what itll be like when everyone finds out." He says making dead eye contact with me. I turn and walk straight out of the room. 

   "(Y/N) Wake up." Price starts shaking me. Im hunched over the kitchen counter. Coffee next to me, Thank god it was just a dream. "There we go, didnt sleep good last night?" i shake my head.

   "Just had a bad dream." i sigh and take another drink of my coffee.

   "Well talk about it, We all have good listening skills." ive never tell people about my past. Only person who knows is Simon but thats because i blew up on him about a decade ago. 

   "They started a few years ago. When i was a kid i got mentally abused by my mother. Me, My brother Nile, and my sister got physically abused by my father, he would never touch my mother or my sister sexually. Only me, it was almost every  night from the time i was seven until i was ten. One day my dad lost it on me and Nile and sent us to my uncles house, we thought it was over but it was no where near over. I got raped ten times more then i did at my dads house. Except it was by my cousin and my uncle." I pause to collect myself and make sure i dont start sobbing, "When my brother turned nineteen he saved up to go on a trip to new york. So he left and he never came back. He died in a plane crash." I watch as everyones faces drop as they realize what i mean." There went on the six more years of trauma and abuse and i finally saved enough money to go to England and join the special air services. Scotland didnt give off any good military branches at the time. The day i left was my birthday, My cousin thought that because it was MY birthday he could give himself a present and he told me 'dont die in a plane crash just like your brother'. And then i met Simon. But you see im the one still alive. They are the ones who got killed by their own parents. BY HER OWN HUSBAND! Im the one walking around living. Yet i have to deal with these stupid dreams." im done now. waiting for them to say something.

     "Im the only person she felt comfortable knowing this shit so dont make her regret telling you." Simon chimes.

     "Holy shit mate, I had no idea you went through that. Thats horrible, Im happy the kids and ur mom are dead... but what about your dad and uncle you never mentioned them." soap walks over to me and hugs me tightly.

     "We killed them." Simon says.

Afraid Of Ghosts Aren't We? (Simon riley x Reader.)Where stories live. Discover now